
Cloud Computing Platform

So recently my colleague's startup really need a scalable application, that could handle billion hits, so I really need to learn to utilize cloud service instead of depend on one or two normal PC with huge RAM (that I prefer to use when the users are lower than 10k of non-static hit), rather than building your own server farm, that probably costs higher. Some of the famous cloud (IaaS or PaaS) services are:
Some parts of the information above shamelessly copied from wikipedia. There are some comparison about the price, more price, even more price, featuresterms, and performance out there. Which one the best for you? depends on your budget and your developer's skill.


  1. What about Microsoft Azure??

  2. Hey, I appreciate to your writing.

  3. Hi..
    This is great post that relating to cloud computing.As well this is very important now as we are having most high level technology.A Cloud Computing certificate is not all about the test. These certifications are designing in such a way so as to leave an individual equipped with the basics of it,and there is no matter which industry they come from.Thank you for your post.


  4. This is a great post regarding to the concept of cloud computing and this is very necessary for our grow of future as well for the next generation technology.And the potential of cloud computing in integration and interoperability, the kind of mobility it provided, and in its practical execution within the ICT environment will make it as a game changer for organizations in the years ahead.Thank you very much.



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