First of all if you are using go 1.7, you'll need to change the ownership of your GOROOT's pkg directory:
[ `ls -ld $GOROOT/pkg | awk '{print $3}'` != `whoami` ] && sudo chown -Rv `whoami` $GOROOT/pkg
Then if you are upgrading or downgrading, you'll need to remove the GOPATH's pkg directory, there's the bash snippet to check if library was precompiled with different golang version than installed:
PKG_OS_ARCH=`go version | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | tr '/' '_'`
[ `strings $GOPATH/pkg/$PKG_OS_ARCH/ | grep 'go object' | head -n 1 | cut -f 5 -d ' '` != `go version | cut -f 3 -d ' '` ] && rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg
go list -f '{{.Deps}}' ./... | tr "[" " " | tr "]" " " | \
xargs go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' | \
xargs go install -a
Alternatively, you can use
go build -i
The last 2 commands above looks for all dependencies and recompile/preinstall them, it's better than I expected, normally it took about 15 seconds to recompile on go1.6.2.
# go 1.4.3
[gin] Build Successful in 1802.47 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 2854.65 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 2325.35 ms
# go 1.6.2
[gin] Build Successful in 5673.43 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 8081.75 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 6867.12 ms
# go 1.7b1
[gin] Build Successful in 2579.98 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 3649.08 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 4182.04 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 3881.66 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 3722.20 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 2785.84 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 2981.62 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 3793.66 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 4458.86 ms
[gin] Build Successful in 4376.60 ms
Anyway I still stick with go1.4.3 since it has the fastest compile, it makes our edit-compile-test cycle faster.