$ alias | grep 'alias time'
alias time='/usr/bin/time -f "\nCPU: %Us\tReal: %es\tRAM: %MKB"'
$ time --version
GNU time 1.7
$ g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.9.2 20141224 (prerelease)
$ time g++ -std=c++11 map.cpp
CPU: 0.33s Real: 0.39s RAM: 57764KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 141.03s Real: 142.40s RAM: 2558828KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 map.cpp
CPU: 0.40s Real: 0.45s RAM: 59672KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 65.37s Real: 66.63s RAM: 2558720KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.37s Real: 0.44s RAM: 61804KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
$ time g++ -std=c++11 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.37s Real: 0.44s RAM: 61804KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 45.46s Real: 46.68s RAM: 2478132KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.41s Real: 0.45s RAM: 62688KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.41s Real: 0.45s RAM: 62688KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 29.16s Real: 30.32s RAM: 2478148KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 judy.cpp
CPU: 0.29s Real: 0.34s RAM: 50088KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701681 23370000
CPU: 27.07s Real: 27.46s RAM: 601604KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 judy.cpp
CPU: 0.57s Real: 0.62s RAM: 55192KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701681 23370000
$ time g++ -std=c++11 judy.cpp
CPU: 0.29s Real: 0.34s RAM: 50088KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701681 23370000
CPU: 27.07s Real: 27.46s RAM: 601604KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 judy.cpp
CPU: 0.57s Real: 0.62s RAM: 55192KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701681 23370000
CPU: 16.31s Real: 16.62s RAM: 601600KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.36s Real: 0.40s RAM: 55344KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.93s Real: 0.97s RAM: 70436KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 hat_trie.cpp
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 hat_trie.cpp
$ clang --version
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 map.cpp
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.32s Real: 0.36s RAM: 52148KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.41s Real: 0.45s RAM: 54828KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -w judy.cpp
CPU: 0.26s Real: 0.29s RAM: 46872KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 -w judy.cpp
CPU: 0.46s Real: 0.50s RAM: 51460KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.30s Real: 0.35s RAM: 50012KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.48s Real: 0.51s RAM: 53152KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 hat_trie.cpp
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 hat_trie.cpp
$ javac -version
$ time javac tree_map.java
$ time javac hash_map.java
$ jruby -version
Note #1: PHP 5.6.5, HHVM 3.5.0, Rubinius 2.5.2, NodeJS 0.10.35 failed to build the associative array within 300s.
Note #2: again MozJS 2.4 got uncaught exception: out of memory when it uses 1.2GB of RAM
Note #3: LuaJIT 2.0.3 got not enough memory when it uses 1GB of RAM
$ time g++ -std=c++11 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.36s Real: 0.40s RAM: 55344KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 37.97s Real: 38.23s RAM: 749144KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.93s Real: 0.97s RAM: 70436KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 20.61s Real: 20.89s RAM: 746352KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 hat_trie.cpp
CPU: 0.31s Real: 0.36s RAM: 49844KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 41.99s Real: 42.42s RAM: 567048KB
$ time g++ -std=c++11 -O2 hat_trie.cpp
CPU: 0.54s Real: 0.59s RAM: 55376KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 27.03s Real: 27.37s RAM: 567040KB
$ clang --version
clang version 3.5.1 (tags/RELEASE_351/final)
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 map.cpp
CPU: 0.30s Real: 0.33s RAM: 49828KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 138.63s Real: 140.16s RAM: 2558732KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 map.cpp
CPU: 0.39s Real: 0.42s RAM: 53680KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 67.43s Real: 68.73s RAM: 2558720KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.32s Real: 0.36s RAM: 52148KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 45.22s Real: 46.46s RAM: 2478136KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 unordered_map.cpp
CPU: 0.41s Real: 0.45s RAM: 54828KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 30.13s Real: 31.30s RAM: 2478120KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -w judy.cpp
CPU: 0.26s Real: 0.29s RAM: 46872KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701681 23370000
CPU: 27.88s Real: 28.21s RAM: 601636KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 -w judy.cpp
CPU: 0.46s Real: 0.50s RAM: 51460KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701681 23370000
CPU: 17.27s Real: 17.64s RAM: 601600KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.30s Real: 0.35s RAM: 50012KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 38.26s Real: 38.54s RAM: 748868KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 cedar.cpp
CPU: 0.48s Real: 0.51s RAM: 53152KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 21.95s Real: 22.19s RAM: 749248KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 hat_trie.cpp
CPU: 0.26s Real: 0.29s RAM: 47700KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 44.64s Real: 45.04s RAM: 567016KB
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 hat_trie.cpp
CPU: 0.50s Real: 0.54s RAM: 52532KB
$ time ./a.out
6009354 6009348 611297
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 27.24s Real: 27.57s RAM: 567040KB
$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0_75
$ time javac tree_map.java
CPU: 1.28s Real: 0.86s RAM: 62040KB
$ time java tree_map
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 233.50s Real: 101.05s RAM: 3951752KB
$ time javac hash_map.java
CPU: 1.21s Real: 0.84s RAM: 63588KB
$ time java hash_map
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 345.03s Real: 103.54s RAM: 4119388KB
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) [x86_64-linux]
ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) [x86_64-linux]
$ time ruby hash.rb
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 107.91s Real: 109.66s RAM: 3031872KB
$ jruby -version
jruby (2.2.0p0) 2015-01-20 d537cab OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 24.75-b04 on 1.7.0_75-b13 +jit [linux-amd64]
$ time jruby -J-Xmx12000M -J-Djruby.compile.mode=FORCE hash.rb
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 421.81s Real: 180.57s RAM: 8740612KB
CPU: 0.15s Real: 0.20s RAM: 34892KB
$ time ./map
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 24.10s Real: 25.01s RAM: 2748784KB
$ pypy --version
Python 2.7.8 (c6ad44ecf5d8, Nov 18 2014, 18:04:31) [PyPy 2.4.0 with GCC 4.9.2]
$ time pypy dictionary.py
(6009354, 6009348, 611297)
(36186112, 159701682, 23370001)
CPU: 79.87s Real: 84.57s RAM: 4034956KB
(36186112, 159701682, 23370001)
CPU: 79.87s Real: 84.57s RAM: 4034956KB
$ mcs --version
Mono C# compiler version
$ time mcs dictionary.cs
CPU: 0.48s Real: 0.51s RAM: 48188KB
$ time mono ./dictionary.exe
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 40.98s Real: 42.07s RAM: 1690224KB
Edit, after bugfixing the code for PHP, Python and JavaScript source, only JavaScriptCore, Rhino and Python3 that successfully complete the benchmark.
$ pacman -Qo `which jsc-3`
/usr/bin/jsc-3 is owned by webkitgtk 2.4.8-1
$ time jsc-3 object.js
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 148.09s Real: 121.65s RAM: 4666280KB
$ rhino < /dev/null
Rhino 1.7 release 4 2014 07 01
$ time rhino object.js
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 524.12s Real: 189.04s RAM: 4220872KB
$ python3 --version
Python 3.4.2
$ time python3 dictionary.py
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 157.71s Real: 163.37s RAM: 4335568KB
$ lua -v
Lua 5.2.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
$ time lua table.lua
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 101.73s Real: 106.45s RAM: 3079336KB
$ dart --version
Dart VM version: 1.8.5 (Tue Jan 13 12:44:14 2015) on "linux_x64"
$ time dart --old_gen_heap_size=4096 map.dart
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 133.35s Real: 133.64s RAM: 2538220KB
And the summary
/usr/bin/jsc-3 is owned by webkitgtk 2.4.8-1
$ time jsc-3 object.js
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 148.09s Real: 121.65s RAM: 4666280KB
$ rhino < /dev/null
Rhino 1.7 release 4 2014 07 01
$ time rhino object.js
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 524.12s Real: 189.04s RAM: 4220872KB
Python 3.4.2
$ time python3 dictionary.py
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 157.71s Real: 163.37s RAM: 4335568KB
$ lua -v
Lua 5.2.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
$ time lua table.lua
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 101.73s Real: 106.45s RAM: 3079336KB
$ dart --version
Dart VM version: 1.8.5 (Tue Jan 13 12:44:14 2015) on "linux_x64"
$ time dart --old_gen_heap_size=4096 map.dart
6009354 6009348 611297
36186112 159701682 23370001
CPU: 133.35s Real: 133.64s RAM: 2538220KB
Compiler / Interpreter | Language | Type Name | Data Structure | Compile Duration | Compile RAM | Runtime Duration | Runtime RAM | Correct? |
g++ (debug) | C++ | map | RB-Tree | 330 | 57764 | 141030 | 2558828 | |
g++ (-O2) | C++ | map | RB-Tree | 400 | 59672 | 65370 | 2558720 | |
g++ (debug) | C++ | unordered_map | Hash Table | 370 | 61804 | 45460 | 2478132 | |
g++ (-O2) | C++ | unordered_map | Hash Table | 410 | 62688 | 29160 | 2478148 | |
g++ (debug) | C++ | judySArray | 256-ary Radix Tree | 290 | 50088 | 27070 | 601604 | -2 |
g++ (-O2) | C++ | judySArray | 256-ary Radix Tree | 570 | 55192 | 16310 | 601600 | -2 |
g++ (debug) | C++ | cedar::da | Double Array Trie | 360 | 55344 | 37970 | 749144 | |
g++ (-O2) | C++ | cedar::da | Double Array Trie | 930 | 70436 | 20610 | 746352 | |
g++ (debug) | C++ | hattrie_t | HAT-Trie | 310 | 49844 | 41990 | 567048 | |
g++ (-O2) | C++ | hattrie_t | HAT-Trie | 540 | 55376 | 27030 | 567040 | |
clang++ (debug) | C++ | map | RB-Tree | 300 | 49828 | 138630 | 2558732 | |
clang++ (-O2) | C++ | map | RB-Tree | 390 | 53680 | 67430 | 2558720 | |
clang++ (debug) | C++ | unordered_map | Hash Table | 320 | 52148 | 45200 | 2478136 | |
clang++ (-O2) | C++ | unordered_map | Hash Table | 410 | 54828 | 30130 | 2478120 | |
clang++ (debug) | C++ | judySArray | 256-ary Radix Tree | 260 | 46872 | 27880 | 601636 | -2 |
clang++ (-O2) | C++ | judySArray | 256-ary Radix Tree | 460 | 51460 | 17270 | 601600 | -2 |
clang++ (debug) | C++ | cedar::da | Double Array Trie | 300 | 50012 | 38260 | 748868 | |
clang++ (-O2) | C++ | cedar::da | Double Array Trie | 480 | 53160 | 21950 | 749248 | |
clang++ (debug) | C++ | hattrie_t | HAT-Trie | 260 | 47908 | 44640 | 567016 | |
clang++ (-O2) | C++ | hattrie_t | HAT-Trie | 500 | 52532 | 27240 | 567040 | |
javac, java | Java | TreeMap | RB-Tree | 1280 | 62040 | 101050 | 3951752 | |
javac, java | Java | HashMap | Hash Table | 1210 | 63588 | 103540 | 4119388 | |
ruby | Ruby | Hash | Hash Table | 107910 | 3031872 | |||
jruby | Ruby | Hash | Hash Table | 180570 | 8740612 | |||
jsc-3 | JavaScript | Object | Unknown | 121650 | 4666280 | |||
rhino | JavaScript | Object | Unknown | 189040 | 4220872 | |||
go | Go | map | Hash Table | 150 | 34892 | 24100 | 2748784 | |
python3 | Python 3 | dict | Hash Table | 157710 | 4335568 | |||
pypy | Python 2 | dict | Hash Table | 79870 | 4034956 | |||
mcs | C# | Dictionary | Hash Table | 480 | 48188 | 40980 | 1690224 | |
lua | Lua | table | Hash Table | 101730 | 3079336 | |||
dart | Dart | Map | Hash Table | 133350 | 2538220 |
Note #2: again MozJS 2.4 got uncaught exception: out of memory when it uses 1.2GB of RAM
Note #3: LuaJIT 2.0.3 got not enough memory when it uses 1GB of RAM