programming: the action or process of writing computer programs. | rants: speak or shout at length in a wild, [im]passioned way.
How to use Google Pub/Sub Locally with Golang
image: # 482.0.0
command: /usr/bin/gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --host-port=
- "8085:8085"
# run with: docker compose up
The just run this code that stolen and modified a bit to also publish an event from this article:
package main
import (
const (
projectID = "your-project-id"
topicID = "your-topic-id"
subName = "your-subscription-name"
type Message struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
func main() {
os.Setenv(`PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST`, `localhost:8085`)
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a Pub/Sub client
client, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, projectID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create client: %v", err)
// Create a topic if it doesn't already exist
topic := client.Topic(topicID)
ok, err := topic.Exists(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to check if topic exists: %v", err)
if !ok {
if _, err := client.CreateTopic(ctx, topicID); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create topic: %v", err)
log.Printf("Topic %s created.\n", topicID)
// Create a subscription to the topic "topic A"
sub := client.Subscription(subName)
ok, err = sub.Exists(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to check if subscription exists: %v", err)
if !ok {
if _, err := client.CreateSubscription(ctx, subName, pubsub.SubscriptionConfig{
Topic: topic,
}); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create subscription: %v", err)
log.Printf("Subscription %s created.\n", subName)
go func() {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// publish some event
topic.Publish(ctx, &pubsub.Message{
Data: []byte(`{"data":"hello world"}`),
// Start consuming messages from the subscription
err = sub.Receive(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.Message) {
// Unmarshal the message data into a struct
var m Message
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Data, &m); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal message data: %v", err)
// Print the message data
fmt.Printf("Received message: %s\n", m.Data)
// Acknowledge the message
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to receive messages: %v", err)
// Gracefully shutdown the Pub/Sub client
if err := client.Close(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to close client: %v", err)
That's it, you don't need access to internet to test Google Pub/Sub, it would just work with docker compose.
Writing UDF for Clickhouse using Golang
Today we're going to create an UDF (User-defined Function) in Golang that can be run inside Clickhouse query, this function will parse uuid v1 and return timestamp of it since Clickhouse doesn't have this function for now. Inspired from the python version with TabSeparated delimiter (since it's easiest to parse), UDF in Clickhouse will read line by line (each row is each line, and each text separated with tab is each column/cell value):
package main
import (
func main() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
id, _ := FromString(scanner.Text())
func (me UUID) Nanoseconds() int64 {
time_low := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(me[0:4]))
time_mid := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(me[4:6]))
time_hi := int64((binary.BigEndian.Uint16(me[6:8]) & 0x0fff))
return int64((((time_low) + (time_mid << 32) + (time_hi << 48)) - epochStart) * 100)
func (me UUID) Time() time.Time {
nsec := me.Nanoseconds()
return time.Unix(nsec/1e9, nsec%1e9).UTC()
// code below Copyright (C) 2013 by Maxim Bublis <>
// see
// Difference in 100-nanosecond intervals between
// UUID epoch (October 15, 1582) and Unix epoch (January 1, 1970).
const epochStart = 122192928000000000
// UUID representation compliant with specification
// described in RFC 4122.
type UUID [16]byte
// FromString returns UUID parsed from string input.
// Following formats are supported:
// "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8",
// "{6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8}",
// "urn:uuid:6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
func FromString(input string) (u UUID, err error) {
s := strings.Replace(input, "-", "", -1)
if len(s) == 41 && s[:9] == "urn:uuid:" {
s = s[9:]
} else if len(s) == 34 && s[0] == '{' && s[33] == '}' {
s = s[1:33]
if len(s) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("uuid: invalid UUID string: %s", input)
b := []byte(s)
_, err = hex.Decode(u[:], b)
// Returns canonical string representation of UUID:
// xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
func (u UUID) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x-%x-%x-%x",
u[:4], u[4:6], u[6:8], u[8:10], u[10:])
Compile and put it with proper owner and permission on /var/lib/clickhouse/user_scripts/uuid2timestr and create /etc/clickhouse-server/uuid2timestr_function.xml (must be have proper suffix) containing:
after that you can restart Clickhouse (sudo systemctl restart clickhouse-server or sudo clickhouse restart) depends on how you install it (apt or binary setup).
to make sure it's loaded, you can just find this line on the log:
<Trace> ExternalUserDefinedExecutableFunctionsLoader: Loading config file '/etc/clickhouse-server/uuid2timestr_function.xml
then just run a query using that function:
SELECT uuid2timestr('51038948-97ea-11ee-b7e0-52de156a77d8')
│ 2023-12-11 05:58:33.2391752 +0000 UTC │
mTLS using Golang Fiber
# generate CA Root
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -out ca.crt -keyout ca.key -subj "/C=SO/ST=Earth/L=MyLocation/O=MyOrganiz/OU=MyOrgUnit/CN=localhost"
# generate Server Certs
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
# generate server Cert Signing request
openssl req -new -key server.key -days 3650 -out server.csr -subj "/C=SO/ST=Earth/L=MyLocation/O=MyOrganiz/OU=MyOrgUnit/CN=localhost"
# sign with CA Root
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost") -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -days 3650 -sha256 -CAcreateserial -out server.crt
# generate Client Certs
openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048
# generate client Cert Signing request
openssl req -new -key client.key -days 3650 -out client.csr -subj "/C=SO/ST=Earth/L=MyLocation/O=$O/OU=$OU/CN=localhost"
# sign with CA Root
openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost") -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -out client.crt -days 3650 -sha256 -CAcreateserial
You will get at least 2 files related to CA, 3 files related to server, and 3 files related to client, but what you really need is just CA public key, server private and public key (key pairs), and client private and public key (key pairs). If you need to generate another client or rollover server keys, you will still need CA's private key so don't erase it.
Next, now that you already have those 5 keys, you will need to load CA public key, and server key pair and use it on fiber, something like this:
caCertFile, _ := os.ReadFile(in.CaCrt)
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
serverCerts, _ := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(in.ServerCrt, in.ServerKey)
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
ClientCAs: caCertPool,
ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CurvePreferences: []tls.CurveID{tls.CurveP521, tls.CurveP384, tls.CurveP256},
CipherSuites: []uint16{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{serverCerts},
// attach the certs to TCP socket, and start Fiber server
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
Immutable: true,
app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.String(`secured string`)
ln, _ := tls.Listen("tcp", `:1443`, tlsConfig)
next on the client side, you just need to load CA public key, client key pairs, something like this:
caCertFile, _ := os.ReadFile(in.CaCrt)
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
certificate, _ := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(in.ClientCrt, in.ClientKey)
httpClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Minute * 3,
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: caCertPool,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{certificate},
r, _ := httpClient.Get(`https://localhost:1443`)
that's it, that's how you secure client-server communication between Go client and server with mTLS, this code can be found here.
Simple Websocket Echo Benchmark
go 1.20.5 nbio 1.3.16
rps: 19157.16 avg/max latency = 1.66ms/319.88ms elapsed 10.2s
102 MB 0.6 core usage
rps: 187728.05 avg/max latency = 0.76ms/167.76ms elapsed 10.2s
104 MB 5 core usage
rps: 501232.80 avg/max latency = 12.48ms/395.01ms elapsed 10.1s
rps: 498869.28 avg/max latency = 12.67ms/425.04ms elapsed 10.1s
134 MB 15 core usage
bun 0.6.9
rps: 17420.17 avg/max latency = 5.57ms/257.61ms elapsed 10.1s
48 MB 0.2 core usage
rps: 95992.29 avg/max latency = 29.93ms/242.74ms elapsed 10.4s
rps: 123589.91 avg/max latency = 40.67ms/366.15ms elapsed 10.2s
rps: 123171.42 avg/max latency = 62.74ms/293.29ms elapsed 10.1s
55 MB 1 core usage
node 18.16.0
rps: 18946.51 avg/max latency = 6.64ms/229.28ms elapsed 10.3s
59 MB 0.2 core usage
rps: 97032.08 avg/max latency = 44.06ms/196.41ms elapsed 11.1s
rps: 114449.91 avg/max latency = 72.62ms/295.33ms elapsed 10.3s
rps: 109512.05 avg/max latency = 79.27ms/226.03ms elapsed 10.2s
59 MB 1 core usage
First line until 4th line are with 1s, 100ms, 10ms, 1ms delay before next request. Since Golang/nbio is by default can utilize multi-core so can handle ~50 rps per client, while Bun/Nodejs 11-12 rps per client. If you found a bug, or want to contribute another language (or create better client, just create a pull request on the github link above.
Dockerfile vs Nixpacks vs ko
Dockerfile is quite simple, first we need to pick the base image for build phase (only if you want to build inside docker, if you already have CI/CD that build it outside, you just need to copy the executable binary directly), put command of build steps, choose runtime image for run stage (popular one like ubuntu/debian have bunch of debugging tools, alpine/busybox for stripped one), copy the binary to that layer and done.
FROM golang:1.20 as build1
# if you don't use go mod vendor
#COPY go.mod .
#COPY go.sum .
#RUN go mod download
COPY . .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o app1.exe
FROM busybox:latest
COPY --from=build1 /etc/ssl/certs /etc/ssl/certs
COPY --from=build1 /app1/app1.exe .
CMD ./app1.exe
then run the docker build and docker run command:
# build
docker build . -t app0
[+] Building 76.2s (15/15) FINISHED -- first time, without vendor
[+] Building 9.5s (12/12) FINISHED -- changing code, rebuild, with go mod vendor
# run
docker run -it app0
with nixpacks you just need to run this without having to create Dockerfile (as long there's main.go file):
# install nixpack
curl -sSL | bash
# build
nixpacks build . --name app1
[+] Building 315.7s (19/19) FINISHED -- first time build
[+] Building 37.2s (19/19) FINISHED -- changing code, rebuild
# run
docker run -it app1
With ko,
# install ko
go install
# build
time ko build -L -t app2
CPU: 0.84s Real: 5.05s RAM: 151040KB
# run (have to do this since the image name is hashed)
docker run -it `docker image ls | grep app2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
How about container image size? Dockerfile with busybox only use 14.5MB, with ubuntu 82.4MB, debian 133MB, alpine 15.2MB, with nixpack it uses 99.2MB, and with ko it only took 11.5MB but it only support Go (and you cannot debug inside it, eg. for testing connectivity to 3rd party dependency using shell inside the container). So is it better to use nixpacks? I don't think so, both build speed and image size for this case is inferior compared to normal Dockerfile with busybox or ko.
CockroachDB Benchmark on Different Disk Types
Today we're going to benchmark CockroachDB one of database that I use this year to create embedded application. I use CockroachDB because I don't want to use SqLite or any other embedded database that lack of tooling or cannot be accessed by multiple program at the same time. With CockroachDB I only need to distribute my application binary, cockroachdb binary, and that's it, the offline backup also quite simple, just need to rsync the directory, or do manual rows export like other PostgreSQL-like database. Scaling out also quite simple.
Here's the result:
Disk Type | Ins Dur (s) | Upd Dur (s) | Sel Dur (s) | Many Dur (s) | Insert Q/s | Update Q/s | Select1 Q/s | SelMany Row/s | SelMany Q/s |
TMPFS (RAM) | 1.3 | 2.1 | 4.9 | 1.5 | 31419 | 19275 | 81274 | 8194872 | 20487 |
NVME DA 1TB | 2.7 | 3.7 | 5.0 | 1.5 | 15072 | 10698 | 80558 | 8019435 | 20048 |
NVMe Team 1TB | 3.8 | 3.7 | 4.9 | 1.5 | 10569 | 10678 | 81820 | 8209889 | 20524 |
SSD GALAX 250GB | 8.0 | 7.1 | 5.0 | 1.5 | 4980 | 5655 | 79877 | 7926162 | 19815 |
HDD WD 8TB | 32.1 | 31.7 | 4.9 | 3.9 | 1244 | 1262 | 81561 | 3075780 | 7689 |
From the table we can see that TMPFS (RAM, obviously) is the fastest in all case especially insert and update benchmark, NVMe faster than SSD, and standard magnetic HDD is the slowest. but the query-part doesn't really have much effect probably because the dataset too small that all can fit in the cache.
The test done with 100 goroutines, 400 records insert/update per goroutines, the record is only integer and string. Queries done 10x for select, and 300x for select-many, sending small query is shown there reaching the limit of 80K rps, inserts can reach 31K rps and multirow-query/updates can reach ~20K rps.
The repository is here if you want to run the benchmark on your own machine.
Map to Struct and Struct to Map Golang Benchmark 2022 Edition
Sometimes we want to convert from map to struct or struct to map (dictionary in other language), or even struct to struct. There's some library that can help us doing this, for example structs, mapstructure, copier, or smapping. We could also utilize serialization and deserialization libraries to do this. With caveats, that some serialization format (eg. JSON) doesn't allow integer larger than 2^53 for example.
Here's benchmark that I run this morning:
map to struct | total | ns/op | B/op | allocs/op |
M2S_GoccyGoJson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 6,661,932 | 517 | 80 | 3 |
M2S_JsonIteratorGo_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 4,892,611 | 724 | 196 | 8 |
M2S_VmihailencoMspackV5_MarhsalUnmarshal-32 | 4,572,597 | 741 | 188 | 5 |
M2S_FxamackerCbor_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 4,418,558 | 799 | 120 | 8 |
M2S_SurrealdbCork_EncodeDecode-32 | 3,080,282 | 1,080 | 1,217 | 6 |
M2S_GopkgInMgoV2Bson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 3,227,905 | 1,092 | 232 | 13 |
M2S_ShamatonMsgpackV2_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 3,062,677 | 1,161 | 956 | 15 |
M2S_MitchellhMapstructure_Decode-32 | 2,487,428 | 1,395 | 720 | 18 |
M2S_MongoDriverBson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 2,477,983 | 1,459 | 414 | 14 |
M2S_KokizzuJson5b_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,987,240 | 1,711 | 632 | 16 |
M2S_EncodingJson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 2,056,944 | 1,780 | 600 | 16 |
M2S_EtNikBinngo_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,985,595 | 1,857 | 425 | 39 |
M2S_PquernaFfjson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,739,968 | 1,986 | 609 | 16 |
M2S_UngorjiGocodec_BincEncodeDecode-32 | 1,401,453 | 2,582 | 4,340 | 23 |
M2S_UngorjiGoCodec_CborEncodeDecode-32 | 1,304,828 | 2,636 | 4,340 | 23 |
M2S_PelletierGoTomlV2_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,284,037 | 2,787 | 1,600 | 27 |
M2S_UngorjiGocodec_SimpleEncodeDecode-32 | 1,295,926 | 2,810 | 4,340 | 23 |
M2S_UngorjiGocodec_JsonEncodeDecode-32 | 1,000,000 | 3,028 | 4,956 | 25 |
M2S_IchibanTnetstrings_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 749,947 | 5,056 | 9,329 | 48 |
M2S_BurntSushiToml_EncodeUnmarshal-32 | 425,335 | 8,065 | 7,958 | 71 |
M2S_HjsonHjsonGoV4_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 355,784 | 10,870 | 3,936 | 78 |
M2S_GopkgInYamlV3_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 271,190 | 13,524 | 14,112 | 80 |
M2S_DONUTSLz4Msgpack_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 240,619 | 15,498 | 1,264 | 16 |
M2S_GoccyGoYaml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 214,776 | 16,192 | 7,821 | 214 |
M2S_GhodssYaml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 156,412 | 23,347 | 21,378 | 161 |
M2S_NaoinaToml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 57,607 | 58,331 | 398,544 | 77 |
struct to map | total | ns/op | B/op | allocs/op |
S2M_MitchellhMapstructure_Decode-32 | 5,055,402 | 716 | 536 | 12 |
S2M_GoccyGoJson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 4,660,224 | 747 | 522 | 12 |
S2M_JsonIteratorGo_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 4,283,262 | 835 | 505 | 14 |
S2M_VmihailencoMspackV5_MarhsalUnmarshal-32 | 4,009,863 | 908 | 607 | 12 |
S2M_FxamackerCbor_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 3,562,352 | 1,023 | 452 | 11 |
S2M_ShamatonMsgpackV2_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 3,180,010 | 1,089 | 556 | 15 |
S2M_GopkgInMgoV2Bson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 3,047,396 | 1,145 | 528 | 15 |
S2M_SurrealdbCork_EncodeDecode-32 | 2,976,328 | 1,196 | 1,611 | 12 |
S2M_EncodingJson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,914,165 | 1,782 | 688 | 18 |
S2M_PquernaFfjson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,911,950 | 1,845 | 697 | 18 |
S2M_EtNikBinngo_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,948,802 | 1,859 | 768 | 45 |
S2M_KokizzuJson5b_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,888,774 | 1,884 | 960 | 20 |
S2M_MongoDriverBson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,857,649 | 1,995 | 759 | 18 |
S2M_PelletierGoTomlV2_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,244,012 | 2,864 | 1,800 | 31 |
S2M_UngorjiGocodec_BincEncodeDecode-32 | 1,000,000 | 3,234 | 4,888 | 34 |
S2M_UngorjiGoCodec_CborEncodeDecode-32 | 989,671 | 3,358 | 4,888 | 34 |
S2M_UngorjiGocodec_SimpleEncodeDecode-32 | 1,000,000 | 3,400 | 4,888 | 34 |
S2M_UngorjiGocodec_JsonEncodeDecode-32 | 912,512 | 3,639 | 5,504 | 36 |
S2M_IchibanTnetstrings_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 776,796 | 4,744 | 9,561 | 46 |
S2M_BurntSushiToml_EncodeUnmarshal-32 | 447,216 | 8,538 | 8,231 | 73 |
S2M_HjsonHjsonGoV4_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 389,476 | 9,416 | 3,868 | 66 |
S2M_GopkgInYamlV3_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 315,939 | 13,338 | 14,400 | 81 |
S2M_DONUTSLz4Msgpack_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 242,330 | 14,298 | 744 | 16 |
S2M_GoccyGoYaml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 230,042 | 14,919 | 7,580 | 202 |
S2M_GhodssYaml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 151,023 | 22,682 | 21,441 | 161 |
S2M_NaoinaToml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 60,916 | 52,047 | 398,112 | 80 |
struct to struct | total | ns/op | B/op | allocs/op |
S2S_GoccyGoJson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 12,046,497 | 317 | 112 | 4 |
S2S_ShamatonMsgpackV2_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 7,897,488 | 458 | 148 | 6 |
S2S_JsonIteratorGo_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 7,853,592 | 494 | 92 | 6 |
S2S_FxamackerCbor_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 7,038,808 | 511 | 80 | 5 |
S2S_GopkgInMgoV2Bson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 5,105,343 | 715 | 144 | 9 |
S2S_VmihailencoMspackV5_MarhsalUnmarshal-32 | 4,549,700 | 818 | 213 | 6 |
S2S_MongoDriverBson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 3,560,946 | 1,019 | 321 | 8 |
S2S_EncodingJson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 2,731,051 | 1,313 | 304 | 9 |
S2S_PquernaFfjson_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 2,734,357 | 1,330 | 304 | 9 |
S2S_KokizzuJson5b_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 2,594,728 | 1,343 | 504 | 9 |
S2S_SurrealdbCork_EncodeDecode-32 | 2,555,745 | 1,397 | 1,241 | 7 |
S2S_EtNikBinngo_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,995,468 | 1,840 | 400 | 41 |
S2S_PelletierGoTomlV2_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 1,460,683 | 2,459 | 1,440 | 23 |
S2S_UngorjiGocodec_SimpleEncodeDecode-32 | 1,205,648 | 2,919 | 4,364 | 24 |
S2S_UngorjiGoCodec_CborEncodeDecode-32 | 1,290,734 | 2,920 | 4,364 | 24 |
S2S_UngorjiGocodec_BincEncodeDecode-32 | 1,207,327 | 3,007 | 4,364 | 24 |
S2S_UngorjiGocodec_JsonEncodeDecode-32 | 1,000,000 | 3,223 | 4,980 | 26 |
S2S_IchibanTnetstrings_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 722,493 | 4,950 | 9,289 | 47 |
S2S_BurntSushiToml_EncodeUnmarshal-32 | 398,366 | 8,458 | 7,918 | 72 |
S2S_HjsonHjsonGoV4_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 304,369 | 11,189 | 4,578 | 79 |
S2S_DONUTSLz4Msgpack_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 282,505 | 12,215 | 237 | 7 |
S2S_GopkgInYamlV3_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 279,332 | 12,541 | 14,016 | 76 |
S2S_GoccyGoYaml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 211,952 | 15,542 | 7,982 | 208 |
S2S_GhodssYaml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 160,660 | 23,148 | 21,073 | 154 |
S2S_NaoinaToml_MarshalUnmarshal-32 | 64,468 | 59,672 | 399,065 | 83 |
The repository and the always updated result is here, feel free to add your own serialization/deserialization library. As we can see, goccy-gojson is the fastest among all, too bad if you store int64 larger than 2^53 it give wrong result. So it's better to use second best and all rounder vmihailenco-msgpack, or for specific use case struct to map/struct is mapstructure.
Here's the top ranking:
Ser/Deser | M2S | S2M | S2S |
GoccyGoJson | 1 | 2 | 2 |
JsonIteratorGo | 2 | 3 | 4 |
MitchellhMapstructure | 8 | 1 | 1 |
VmihailencoMspackV5 | 3 | 4 | 7 |
FxamackerCbor | 4 | 5 | 5 |
ShamatonMsgpackV2 | 7 | 6 | 3 |
SurrealdbCork | 5 | 8 | 12 |