Showing posts with label gui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gui. Show all posts


Redis GUI

Redis is one of full featured in-memory database with optional persistence and replication. Redis support 5 kind of data types: key-value (SET, GET), hashtable (HSET, HGET), linkedlist (L/RPUSH, L/RPOP), sets (SADD, SREM) and sorted/scored-sets (ZADD, ZREM).

Looking for GUI for redis? Thy these apps, from the best to the least:

Redis React

Built using Mono + ReactJS. Just download and Run (install Mono first if you are using Linux).

Redis Desktop Manager

Built using C++ and Qt5.

yaourt --needed --noconfirm -S --force redis-desktop-manager


A fork of FastoNoSql, I don't know what this one built with, since the github repository doesn't have the source.

Redis Commander

Built using NodeJS

sudo npm install -g redis-commander


Built using Python2 and Flask Framework. Just clone the repository, install its dependencies and run.

Btw, happy new year :3


LXC Web Panel

As you (probably) already know, LXC (Linux Containers) or OpenVZ an operating-system-level virtualization is really faster than hardware virtualization, see the comparison. For those who hate CLI, you can use web interface called LXC Web Panel (for LXC 0.7 to 0.9, or newer fork 1.0+ here) to manage your containers:

wget -O - | sudo bash

This software only works on Ubuntu 12.04 or later. Despite of its performance, of course there are limitations, such as: you can only use host OS and architecture on guest. You can find more info on their website or this blog post.

So why LXC instead of Docker or Virtualization? because it's simpler :3 yes, both are different kind of animal, don't forget to check LXD and other alternatives too.