Showing posts with label migration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label migration. Show all posts


Dump/export Cassandra/BigQuery tables and import to Clickhouse

Today we're gonna dump Cassandra table and put it to Clickhouse. Cassandra is columnar database but use as OLTP since it have really good distributed capability (customizable replication factor, multi-cluster/region, clustered/partitioned by default -- so good for multitenant applications), but if we need to do analytics queries or some complex query, it became super sucks, even with ScyllaDB's materialized view (which only good for recap/summary). To dump Cassandra database, all you need to do just construct a query and use dsbulk, something like this:

./dsbulk unload -delim '|' -k "KEYSPACE1" \
   -query "SELECT col1,col2,col3 FROM table1" -c csv \
   -u 'USERNAME1' -p 'PASSWORD1' \
   -b | tr '\\' '"' |
    gzip -9 > table1_dump_YYYYMMDD.csv.gz ;

tr command above used to unescape backslash, since dsbulk export csv not in proper format (\" not ""), after than you can just restore it by running something like this:

    col1 String,
    col2 Int64,
    col3 UUID,
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree()
ORDER BY (col1, col2);

SET format_csv_delimiter = '|';
SET input_format_csv_skip_first_lines = 1;

FROM INFILE 'table1_dump_YYYYMMDD.csv.gz'


 Similar to Clickhouse, BigQuery is one of the best analytical engine (because of unlimited compute and massively parallel storage), but it comes with cost, improper partitioning/clustering (even with proper one, because it's limited to only 1 column unlike Clickhouse that can do more) with large table will do a huge scan ($6.25 per TiB) and a lot of compute slot, if combined with materialized view or periodic query on cron, it would definitely kill your wallet. To dump from BigQuery all you need to do just create GCS (Google Cloud Storage) bucket then run some query something like this:

    uri = 'gs://
    format = 'PARQUET',
    overwrite = true
    --, compression = 'GZIP' -- import failed: ZLIB_INFLATE_FAILED
AS (
  SELECT * FROM `dataset1.table2`

-- it's better to create snapshot table
-- if you do WHERE filter on above query, eg.
CREATE TABLE dataset1.table2_filtered_snapshot AS
dataset1.table2` WHERE col1 = 'yourFilter';

Not using compression because it's failed to import, not sure why. The parquet files will be shown on your bucket, click on "Remove public access prevention", and allow it to be publicly available with gcloud command:

gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://BUCKET1 --member=allUsers --role=roles/storage.objectViewer
# remove-iam-policy-binding to undo this


 Then just restore it:

          Col1 String,
          Col2 DateTime,
          Col3 Int32
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree()
ORDER BY (Col1, Col2, Col3);

SET parallel_distributed_insert_select = 1;

SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3
FROM s3Cluster(
    '', -- s3 access id, remove or leave empty if public
    '' -- s3 secret key,
remove or leave empty if public


Move docker Data Directory to Another Partition

My first NVMe (i hate this brand S*****P****), sometimes hangs periodically (marking the filesystem readonly) so 50-100% CPU usage and nothing more can be done. So I have to move some parts of it into another NVMe drive, here's how I moved docker to another partition

sudo systemctl stop docker

then you can edit

sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
# where /media/asd/nvme2 is your mount point to your other partition)
# add something like this
  "dns": ["",""],
  "data-root": "/media/asd/nvme2/docker"

Clone your partition to that new partition (no need to mkdir docker folder):

sudo rsync -aP --progress /var/lib/docker/ /media/asd/nvme2/docker
mv /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker.backup

Then try to start again the docker service:

sudo systemctl start docker 
sudo systemctl status docker 

If it all works, you can delete the backup of original data directory.


List of Tech Migrations

I'm quite fascinated with the decision (and obviously the effort) of leaving a language or database to another technology, here's the list that I found:
So many migrating to Go ^^. If it's not about migration, there's a lot more here that apparently choose Go (interviews, from X to Go, and also more here).

NOTE: this list will be no longer updated, you can see the lastest changes on github repo so anyone can contribute/update.

Btw why not MongoDB or CockroachDB.. but I think now they are getting better.

If you found any more news like this, paste the link on the comment, I'll gladly add them on the list.