Showing posts with label restore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label restore. Show all posts


Backup and Restore Cassandra Database for Development

Last time we're dumping from Cassandra and restore it to Clickhouse for proper analytics. To do that we need cqlsh and cassandradump

pip install -U cqlsh
pip install cassandra-driver

# list all tables
tables=`cqlsh -k keyspace1 -e 'describe keyspace' | grep TABLE | cut -d '.' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1`

# run copy to file
mkdir backup
echo $tables | while read x; do time cqlsh -k keyspace1 -e "COPY $x TO STDOUT WITH DELIMITER='|' AND HEADER=TRUE AND NULL=NULL" | grep -v 'WARNING: cqlsh'
| sed 's|\\\\|\\|g' > backup/$x.csv  ; done

# run copy from file
 echo $tables | while read x; do time cat backup/$x.csv
| sed 's|\\\\|\\|g' | cqlsh -k keyspace1 -e "COPY $x FROM stdin WITH DELIMITER='|' AND HEADER=TRUE AND NULL=NULL" ; done

That's it, you can update the rows before restoring for your integration test. There's a weird on Cassandra's CSV when backslash being escaped with backslash that cannot be removed even with tr command (probably because tr cant be more than 1 characters), it restored as more backslash and NULL imported as zero.