
Start/restart Golang or any other binary program automatically on boot/crash

There are some alternative to make program start on boot on Linux, the usual way is using:

1. SystemD, it could ensure that dependency started before your service, also could limit your CPU/RAM usage. Generate a template using this website or use kardianos/service

2. PM2 (requires NodeJS), or PMG

3. docker-compose (requires docker, but you can skip the build part, just copy the binary directly on Dockerfile command (that can be deployed using rsync), just set restart property on docker-compose and it would restart when computer boot),  -- bad part, you cannot limit cpu/ram unless using docker swarm. But you can use docker directly to limit and use --restart flag.

3. lxc/lxd or multipass or other vm/lightweight vm (but still need systemd inside it XD at least it won't ruin your host), you can rsync directly to the container to redeploy, for example using overseer or tableflip, you must add reverse proxy or nat or proper routing/ip forwarding tho if you want it to be accessed from outside

4. supervisord (python) or ochinchina/supervisord (golang) tutorial here

5. create one daemon manager with systemd/docker-compose, then spawn the other services using goproc or pioz/god

6. monit it can monitor and ensure a program started/not dead

7. nomad (actually this one is deployment tool), but i can also manage workload

8. kubernetes XD overkill

9. immortal.run a supervisor, this one actually using systemd

10. other containerization/VM workload orchestrator/manager that usually already provided by the hoster/PaaS provider (Amazon ECS/Beanstalk/Fargate, Google AppEngine, Heroku, Jelastic, etc)

This is the systemd script that I usually use (you need to create user named "web" and install "unbuffer"):

$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/xxx.service
After=network-online.target postgresql.service

ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall xxx


$ cat /home/web/xxx/run_production.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p `pwd`/logs
ofile=`pwd`/logs/access_`date +%F_%H%M%S`.log
echo Logging into: $ofile
unbuffer time ./xxx | tee $ofile