This time, C++ (drogon), Rust (actix) are the top tier performer, followed by Java, Javascript (vertx's es4x), PHP (kumbiaphp+workerman), C# (ASP.NET), C (h2o), Kotlin (kooby), Scala (vertx), Go (fasthttp) and C#.
programming: the action or process of writing computer programs. | rants: speak or shout at length in a wild, [im]passioned way.
Techempower Framework Benchmark Round 19
This time, C++ (drogon), Rust (actix) are the top tier performer, followed by Java, Javascript (vertx's es4x), PHP (kumbiaphp+workerman), C# (ASP.NET), C (h2o), Kotlin (kooby), Scala (vertx), Go (fasthttp) and C#.
State of Svelte UI Libraries
Component | SvelteStrap 3.2.8 | Svelma | Bulma Components | Svelte-MUI | Svelte-Chota | Smelte |
Based on | | | | | | |
URL | | | | | | |
Layout | Container, Row, Col | div.tile | Container, Row, Col | |||
Alert/Flash/Toast | Alert, Toast | Message, Notification, Snackbar.(), Toast.() | Snackbar | Snackbar | ||
Breadcrumb | Breadcrumb | |||||
Buttons | Button | Button, ButtonGroup | Button | Button | ||
Card | Card | | Card | Card | ||
Animation | Collapse, Fade | Collapse | Ripple | Details | ||
Dropdown | Dropdown | Dropdown | Select | |||
Forms | Form, FormGroup, Label, Input | Field, Input, Switch | CheckBox, Datepicker, Datefield, Textfield, Radio | Input, Field, Radio, Checkbox | TextField, SearchBar | |
Jumbotron/Hero | Jumbotron | section.hero | ||||
List | ListGroup | List | ||||
Modal/Dialog | Modal | Dialog.(), Modal | Modal | Dialog | Modal | Dialog |
Nav/Tabs/Pills/Acordion | Nav | Tabs | TabsContainer | ExpansionPanel, Menu | Nav, Tabs | Tabs, Menu |
NavBar with Mobile | NavBar | Navbar | Sidepanel | NavigationDrawer | ||
Pagination | Pagination | Pagination | ||||
Progress | Progress, Spinner | Progress | PorgressLinear, ProgressCircular | |||
Table | Table | table.table | DataTable | |||
Icon | Icon | .fa | Icon | icon*=mdi*, Icon | ||
Tag/Label | Tag | Chip | ||||
Media | Media | Image | ||||
Tooltip | Tooltip | |||||
Treeview | Treeview |
There's also many CSS Framework that doesn't use Javascript such as: TentCSS, Milligram, Mustard, MiniCSS, Bulma, and Chota (on the table).
Update 2020: there's SvelteMaterialUI and IBM Carbon Svelte
Update 2021: Svelte Materialify
Techempower Framework Benchmark Round 18
For multiple-queries benchmark, the top performers are: Rust, Java, Javascript, C, Kotlin, C++, Clojure, Go, PHP, Perl, C#.
TechEmpower Framework Benchmark Round 15
Top ranker languages are C, C++, Java, C#, Dart, Python, Go, Perl, Scala, Javascript.
Top ranker language for multiple queries: Dart, Java, C++, C, Kotlin, Rust, Ur, Go.
Dart seems to be getting more and more popularity, since a framework for cross platform mobile app: Flutter is very usable.
TechEmpower Framework Benchmark Round 14
At that chart, the top ranking language are: Kotlin, C, Java, C++, Go, Perl, Javascript, Scala, C#; and for the database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
Also the other benchmark that reflect real world case is multiple-queries:
Sinatra-like Web Framework Benchmark
- Gin and Martini (Go 1.6.3)
- Phoenix and Plug (Elixir 1.3.2, Erlang/OTP 19.0.2)
- Express Cluster (NodeJS 6.3.0)
- Sinatra and Rails (Ruby MRI 2.3.1)
- Play (Scala / Java 1.8.0_51)
You can see the details here.
Techempower Framework Benchmark Round 13
Top ranker in this part (more than 1024 req/s) are Go, C++, Java, Javascript (NodeJS), Perl, C#, Elixir, Dart, Scala, Python, Clojure, and Groovy (Actually PHP are there below the last one on the picture with 1018 req/s). And for the database part would be: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MySQL.
Javascript Virtual DOM Framework Benchmark
Framework | Version | Runtime Ratio (% slower than fastest) | MB Start | MB 1K rows |
vanillajs | 1 | 2.98 | 4.85 | |
inferno | 1.0.0-beta9 | 3 | 3.19 | 6.60 |
vanillajs-keyed | 4 | 2.98 | 4.81 | |
dio.js | 3.0.5 | 4 | 3.19 | 7.09 |
domvm | 2.0.0-beta | 10 | 3.15 | 7.43 |
kivi | 1.0.0-rc2 | 17 | 3.17 | 6.69 |
Also there are another benchmark (this have fewer framework, last result at this time):
Framework | Init Time | First Render Time | Overall Time |
kivi[adv] 1.0.0 | 2,185 | 25,795 | 527,703 |
Inferno 0.7.22 | 3,340 | 31,780 | 553,513 |
Imba 0.14.3 | 15,920 | 26,250 | 569,895 |
Bobril 4.38.0 | 3,430 | 26,255 | 682,847 |
Vidom 0.3.16 | 3,400 | 38,220 | 729,882 |
Maquette 2.3.3 | 1,955 | 27,410 | 733,165 |
Snabbdom 0.5.0 | 2,565 | 34,710 | 759,481 |
React 15.3.1 | 38,640 | 56,065 | 926,403 |
React-lite 0.15.6 | 6,345 | 40,725 | 1,105,627 |
Preact 5.4.0 | 2,550 | 53,585 | 1,150,506 |
Vanilla[innerHTML] 1.0.0 | 1,790 | 16,925 | 1,500,676 |
Deku 2.0.0-rc16 | 3,285 | 45,950 | 1,598,787 |
Mercury 14.1.0 | 2,840 | 41,325 | 2,115,253 |
yo-yo 1.2.2 | 1,825 | 21,835 | 2,295,505 |
Iris Web Framework
These graphs stolen from SmallNest's go framework benchmark.
As usual, static request means nothing, dynamic request that uses database are the real bottleneck :3
Btw Iris has book for those who are interested. For those who doesn't need full framework, you can use the fasthttprouter.
EDIT: before you use Iris because of performance, see links on the comments below: this by julienschmidt (one that create httprouter) and this by dlsniper (one that initialize go-lang-idea-plugin project).
What's the alternative? you can use valyala's FastHttp (only router), Arteugo, or Fiber (full framework, really similar to ExpressJS)
Techempower Framework Benchmark Round 12
Top ranker in this part (more than 2000 req/s) are Go, C++, Perl, Dart, Javascript (NodeJS), Clojure, Java, PHP (HHVM), Scala, Python, and Ruby.
Hopefully this library (fasthttp) could become the new standard implementation, maybe for Go 2.0? :3
Gokil Golang Library (and Web Framework)
go get -u -v
There are six more program dependencies required:
# session, log multiplexer, binary compressor
sudo pacman -S redis unbuffer upx
# colorize compile output
go get -u -v
# auto-compile and reload on code changes,
# please use go 1.4 since 1.5+ has slower compile speed
go get -u -v
# binary compressor for deployment
go get -u -v
If your connection is too slow, you can download the dependency files (and all example codes below) here (extract the content to GOPATH/src), don't forget to update to latest version using command above.
So, what's all about with this library?
First, it splitted into few directory:
- A for Array
- B for Boolean
- C for Character
- D for Database
- F for Floating-point
- I for Integer
- J for JSON
- K for anything else
- L for Logging
- M for Map
- S for String
- T for Time
- W for Web (framework)
- X for any type
- Z for template engine
L.Print(`x in int64: `, S.ToI(x) )
Program above will show an output:
2016-02-22 12:40:31.376 Print ▶ o:8:
x in int64: 12345678
- ajax (to handle all HTTP POST request)
- model (to do any kind of database query)
- page (to handle all HTTP GET request)
- views (the template for rendering)
- public (the public/asset resource)
- logs (log files)
<a href="/public/hello">Hello</a> <a href="/public/hey/1">Hey 1</a> <a href="/public/hey/2">Hey 2</a>
- #{locals_key}
- {/* locals_key */}
- [/* locals_key */]
- /*! locals_key */
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>#{title} | #{project_name}</title> </head> <body style="width:100%; height: 100%; overflow-x: visible"> #{resources} <noscript> Please enable Javascript or use Javascript-enabled browser. </noscript> <div id="wrapper" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin: 0 auto"> #{contents} </div> </body> </html>
<h1><b>Error 403</b>: Forbidden</h1> <h2>#{requested_path}</h2> <br/> <p>It's forbidden for you to access this page (insufficient privilege), either contact the #{webmaster} or try again. Use your browser's <b>Back</b> button to navigate to the page you have previously come from</p> <p><b>Or you could just press this neat little button:</b></p> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.history.back()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></i> Take Me Back </button> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.location='/'"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i> Take Me Home </button>
<h1><b>Error 404</b>: Page Not Found</h1> <h2>#{requested_path}</h2> <img src="/img/404.jpg"/> <br/> <p>The page you requested could not be found, either contact the #{webmaster} or try again. Use your browser's <b>Back</b> button to navigate to the page you have previously come from</p> <p><b>Or you could just press this neat little button:</b></p> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.history.back()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></i> Take Me Back </button> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.location='/'"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i> Take Me Home </button>
<h1><b>Error 500</b>: Internal Server Error</h1> <h2>#{requested_path}</h2> <img src="/img/500.jpg"/> <br/> <p>There is a possible programming mistake on this page, either contact the #{webmaster} or try again. Use your browser's <b>Back</b> button to navigate to the page you have previously come from</p> <p><b>Or you could just press this neat little button:</b></p> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.history.back()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></i> Take Me Back </button> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.location='/'"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i> Take Me Home </button>
<h1><b>Error 503</b>: Server is Over Capacity</h1> <h2>#{requested_path}</h2> <img src="/img/503.jpg"/> <br/> <p>Server is over capacity, please wait 30 minutes then try again by clicking your browser's <b>Refresh</b> button (F5/Ctrl+R)</p> <p><b>Or you could just press this neat little button:</b></p> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.location.reload()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></i> Refresh </button> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.history.back()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></i> Take Me Back </button> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.location='/'"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i> Take Me Home </button>
<h1><b>Error</b>: #{message}</h1> <pre>#{detail}</pre> <h2>#{requested_path}</h2> <br/> <p>Insufficient privilege or invalid parameter, either contact the #{webmaster} or try again. Use your browsers <b>Back</b> button to navigate to the page you have previously come from</p> <p><b>Or you could just press this neat little button:</b></p> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.history.back()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></i> Take Me Back </button> <button class="btn btn-large btn-info" onclick="window.location='/'"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i> Take Me Home </button>
Create the (auto-reload), (rsync to server) and (start the service on server) scripts:
The dots means an access to public/ directory, if you want to hide them, you can add an reverse proxy like nginx or caddy.
Here's the minimal project structure:
What about the model/ directory? You can create a global connection, initialize with init function, then create a query function that can be called within ajax/ or page/.
That's all for now, you can contribute to this library by sending a pull request on gitlab.