Showing posts with label carpo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carpo. Show all posts


Wide: Web-based IDE for Go

Wide is one new web-based IDE, it has a lot of potential, for now, it has autocomplete and one that have working "go to definition".

To install Wide, type:

go get -u -v
go get -u -v
go get -u -v

To start the program, type:

cd $GOPATH/src/

Then visit using your browser on http://your_ip_address:7070

There are some other web-based IDE such as GoDev (lags when showing godoc), LimeText, Carpo, Atom (aur/atom-editor-bin),, and Conception-go (this one not a web-based :3 it's OpenGL)
Btw, I make a list on GoogleDocs to list all Go IDEs, you can contribute/edit it if you want..