
Web Framework for Go

Let's try to use some server side web framework, I found two that support hot-compile/reload, that is Revel and Beego. Revel does not include any ORM by default, but it has example that uses GORP. Beego have its built-in ORM, even although I think I will like GORM better since it's similar to Ruby's DataMapper. There are no example that show combination of Beego+GORM or Revel+GORM. One more difference I found between Beego and Revel, Beego always immediately recompile when any file changed, Revel doesn't, Revel wait until there are request before recompiling, I guess on this part, Rever more likely to use fewer resource. Revel take about 15 seconds to recompile in my AMD C-60 netbook processor, Beego take about 12 seconds. Both framework uses Go's template engine (which I don't like >w<). For development, Revel gives better flow just edit and refresh the site, even when there's an error, the error shows up on the browser, not on the console. Beego shows the error on the console (just like Sinatra), not on the browser. Some other web framework I found is Martini, this one looks like just a plain NodeJS. This one doesn't support hot-compile/reload, but you could use gin or fresh (just like rerun on Ruby, or supervisor/nodemon for NodeJS) as stated on it's documentation.

I guess I will try to use Revel+GORM, wish me luck~