
EasyEngine: WordPress made easy

So, newbies out there, for those that have a root server access or VPS, and you want to create a blog. There is a tool called EasyEngine that could help you (automate) setup Nginx (not Apache), PHP (or PHP7/HHVM), MariaDB/MySQL database, Postfix mail transfer agent, WordPress, WP Super Cache (or W3 Total Cache, Nginx Cache, WP Redis) on Ubuntu or Debian operating system.

There's a lot more it can offer:

How to install EasyEngine?

wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee && sudo bash ee

What's we must use this? it saves time (automated install, automatic update), best practice (Nginx instead of Apache, HHVM/PHP7 instead of PHP5, caching), configuration backup (using Git)

For more information you can visit their website https://easyengine.io/

But wait kiz, you hate PHP right? why you endorse this?
at least this IS far better than poor performance/neglected/insecure/lousy crap configuration/choice that I always see in the past.