Today we're gonna benchmark about prime number generator (without sieve and prime library). The spec is generating all prime number below 10 million and outputting every 100k-th prime found. As usual, the source can be found on my
dropbox (folder: prime). The benchmark performed on 64-bit Linux, i3-4150, 16GB RAM and non-SSD disk.
# desired output:
$ g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.9.2 20150204 (prerelease)
$ time g++ -std=c++11 prime.cpp
CPU: 0.20s Real: 0.23s RAM: 50232KB
$ time ./a.out
CPU: 2.94s Real: 2.95s RAM: 6592KB
$ time g++ -O2 -std=c++11 prime.cpp
CPU: 0.21s Real: 0.23s RAM: 51912KB
$ time ./a.out
CPU: 0.85s Real: 0.85s RAM: 6616KB
$ clang++ --version
clang version 3.5.1 (tags/RELEASE_351/final)
$ time clang++ -std=c++11 prime.cpp
CPU: 0.19s Real: 0.23s RAM: 46792KB
$ time ./a.out
CPU: 2.93s Real: 2.94s RAM: 6488KB
$ time clang++ -O2 -std=c++11 prime.cpp
CPU: 0.20s Real: 0.22s RAM: 50484KB
$ time ./a.out
CPU: 0.84s Real: 0.84s RAM: 6636KB
$ go version
go version go1.4.1 linux/amd64
$ time go build prime.go
CPU: 0.11s Real: 0.12s RAM: 30364KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 2.48s Real: 2.49s RAM: 20412KB
$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0_75
$ time javac
CPU: 0.73s Real: 0.44s RAM: 47464KB
$ time java prime
CPU: 1.21s Real: 1.18s RAM: 104580KB
$ javac -version
javac 1.8.0_40
$ time javac
CPU: 0.96s Real: 0.45s RAM: 59860KB
$ time java prime
CPU: 1.23s Real: 1.19s RAM: 104716KB
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-linux]
$ time ruby prime.rb
CPU: 20.97s Real: 20.99s RAM: 14388KB
$ rbx --version
rubinius 2.5.2.c85 (2.1.0 e8a24276 2015-02-23 3.5.1 JI) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
$ time rbx prime.rb
CPU: 14.20s Real: 14.15s RAM: 54004KB
$ jruby --version
jruby (2.2.0p0) 2015-02-24 2a3dc1f OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 24.75-b04 on 1.7.0_75-b13 +jit [linux-amd64]
$ time jruby prime.rb
CPU: 38.79s Real: 36.41s RAM: 298688KB
$ node --version
$ time node prime.js
CPU: 1.61s Real: 1.62s RAM: 24796KB
$ pacman -Qo `which jsc-3`
/usr/bin/jsc-3 is owned by webkitgtk 2.4.8-1
$ time jsc-3 prime.js
CPU: 2.30s Real: 2.31s RAM: 22008KB
$ js24 --help| grep Version
Version: JavaScript-C24.2.0
$ time js24 prime.js
CPU: 1.19s Real: 1.24s RAM: 15488KB
$ echo | rhino
Rhino 1.7 release 4 2014 07 01
$ time rhino prime.js
CPU: 56.23s Real: 55.72s RAM: 873048KB
$ echo | jjs -version
nashorn 1.8.0_40
$ time jjs prime.js
CPU: 23.36s Real: 22.28s RAM: 448144KB
$ php --version
PHP 5.6.5 (cli) (built: Jan 22 2015 18:29:09)
$ time php prime.php
CPU: 36.70s Real: 36.77s RAM: 111488KB
$ hhvm --version
HipHop VM 3.5.0 (rel) Compiler: 1422366928_067131079
$ time hhvm -v Eval.Jit=true prime.php
CPU: 5.92s Real: 11.14s RAM: 98288KB
$ python --version
Python 3.4.2
$ time python
CPU: 78.33s Real: 78.51s RAM: 33476KB
$ pypy --version
Python 2.7.8 (10f1b29a2bd2, Feb 05 2015, 16:50:17) [PyPy 2.5.0 with GCC 4.9.2 20141224 (prerelease)]
$ time pypy
CPU: 3.66s Real: 4.14s RAM: 84180KB
$ lua -v
Lua 5.2.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
$ time lua prime.lua
CPU: 22.16s Real: 22.19s RAM: 18628KB
$ luajit -v
LuaJIT 2.0.3 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Mike Pall.
$ time luajit prime.lua
CPU: 6.64s Real: 6.65s RAM: 10360KB
$ mcs --version
Mono C# compiler version
$ time mcs prime.cs
CPU: 0.35s Real: 0.36s RAM: 39704KB
$ time mono prime.exe
CPU: 1.78s Real: 1.79s RAM: 16368KB
$ dart --version
Dart VM version: 1.8.5 (Tue Jan 13 12:44:14 2015) on "linux_x64"
$ time dart prime.dart
CPU: 1.37s Real: 1.38s RAM: 31604KB
$ crystal --version
Crystal 0.6.1 [0162f84] (Mon Mar 16 15:22:20 UTC 2015)
$ time crystal
CPU: 2.53s Real: 2.62s RAM: 28552KB
$ time crystal --release
CPU: 1.18s Real: 1.23s RAM: 36784KB
$ julia --version
julia version 0.3.6
$ time julia prime.jl
CPU: 3.09s Real: 3.12s RAM: 71576KB
$ nim --version
Nim Compiler Version 0.10.2 (2014-12-31) [Linux: amd64]
$ time nim c prime.nim
CPU: 0.66s Real: 0.69s RAM: 44728KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 7.65s Real: 7.67s RAM: 12224KB
$ time nim c -d:release prime.nim
CPU: 1.36s Real: 1.36s RAM: 55376KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 2.44s Real: 2.45s RAM: 12160KB
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.0.0-dev (built 2015-02-23)
$ time rustc
CPU: 0.36s Real: 1.76s RAM: 95960KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 3.75s Real: 3.76s RAM: 6196KB
$ time rustc -O
CPU: 0.34s Real: 0.38s RAM: 96764KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 1.03s Real: 1.04s RAM: 6224KB
$ gnatmake --version
GNATMAKE 4.9.2 20150304 (prerelease)
$ time gnatmake prime.adb
CPU: 0.40s Real: 0.44s RAM: 51540KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 5.85s Real: 5.86s RAM: 5488KB
$ rm prime prime.o prime.ali; time gnatmake -O2 prime.adb
CPU: 0.86s Real: 0.91s RAM: 57084KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 1.27s Real: 1.27s RAM: 5348KB
$ fpc -version
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.4 [2014/03/12] for x86_64
$ time fpc prime.pas
CPU: 0.01s Real: 0.02s RAM: 10636KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 3.42s Real: 3.42s RAM: 6688KB
$ time fpc -O2 prime.pas
CPU: 0.01s Real: 0.02s RAM: 10568KB
$ time ./prime
CPU: 3.00s Real: 3.02s RAM: 6688KB
And the summary:
Compiler / Interpreter | Language | Compile Duration | Compile RAM | Runtime Duration | Runtime RAM | Total Duration |
g++ | C++ | 200 | 50232 | 2940 | 6592 | 3140 |
g++ (-O2) | C++ | 210 | 51912 | 850 | 6616 | 1060 |
clang++ | C++ | 190 | 46792 | 2930 | 6488 | 3120 |
clang++ (-O2) | C++ | 200 | 50484 | 840 | 6636 | 1040 |
go | Go | 110 | 30364 | 2480 | 20412 | 2590 |
javac, java | Java | 730 | 47464 | 1210 | 104580 | 1940 |
ruby | Ruby | | | 20970 | 14388 | 20970 |
rbx | Ruby | | | 14200 | 54004 | 14200 |
jruby | Ruby | | | 38790 | 298688 | 38790 |
node | JavaScript | | | 1610 | 24796 | 1610 |
jsc-3 | JavaScript | | | 2300 | 22008 | 2300 |
js24 | JavaScript | | | 1190 | 15488 | 1190 |
rhino | JavaScript | | | 56230 | 873048 | 56230 |
jjs | JavaScript | | | 23360 | 448144 | 23360 |
php | PHP | | | 36700 | 111488 | 36700 |
hhvm | PHP | | | 5920 | 98288 | 5920 |
python3 | Python 3 | | | 78330 | 33476 | 78330 |
pypy | Python 2 | | | 3660 | 84180 | 3660 |
lua | Lua | | | 22160 | 18628 | 22160 |
luajit | Lua | | | 6640 | 10360 | 6640 |
mcs | C# | 350 | 39704 | 1780 | 16368 | 2130 |
dart | Dart | | | 1370 | 31604 | 1370 |
crystal | Crystal | | | 2530 | 28552 | 2530 |
crystal (--release) | Crystal | | | 1180 | 36784 | 1180 |
julia | Julia | | | 3090 | 71576 | 3090 |
nim | Nimrod | 660 | 44728 | 7650 | 12224 | 8310 |
nim (-d:release) | Nimrod | 1360 | 55376 | 2440 | 12160 | 3800 |
rustc | Rust | 360 | 95960 | 3750 | 6196 | 4110 |
rustc (-O) | Rust | 340 | 96764 | 1030 | 6224 | 1370 |
gnatmake | Ada | 400 | 51540 | 5850 | 5488 | 6250 |
gnatmake (-O2) | Ada | 860 | 57084 | 1270 | 5348 | 2130 |
fpc | ObjectPascal | 10 | 10636 | 3420 | 6688 | 3430 |
fpc (-O2) | ObjectPascal | 10 | 10568 | 3000 | 6688 | 3010 |
Note #1:
PH7 failed to give any output within 1 minute.
Note #2:
IO failed to give complete output within 2 minutes.
Note #3:
Nimrod caches the compile process, so the second time compile are less than 100ms
Note #4:
Potion failed to give complete output within 2 minutes.
Note #5:
Gnatmake caches the compile process, so the second time compile are less than 10ms, but it doesn't overwrite when different flag used (-O2 for example).
Note #6: Some languages can be compiled, and some other can be executed directly using certain command, but I choose one that I learned first (but I will benchmark both method when I have much free time)
Note #7: Compile cache deleted before every (3) benchmark run, the value taken are the median.
2015-03-03: benchmark published
2015-03-xx: Lua, C# (mcs), and Dart added
2015-03-17: Crystal, Julia, and Nimrod (nim) added
2015-03-18: ObjectPascal (fpc), Ada (gnat), and Nashorn (jjs) added