
If Programming Language were Humans

Taken from here and nixCraft page (click there to see larger text).

  • Python: my formatting is my syntax!
  • Javascript: I'm technically functional
  • PHP: can I GET guys anything?
  • Haskell: (lambda x.x am pure)(i)
  • C/C++: If you're not allocating memory, you're not living!
  • C#: I am nothing like my father.
  • Erlang: Destroy one of my processes and I will only grow stronger
  • Elixir: I Draw my Eldritch Power From all my process-chans
  • Rust: I'll be designated driver tonight!
    Programmer: we know
    Rust: Don't talk while eatingyou could choke and die haha
  • Fortran: I am unparalled in numerical ^ scientific computation!
  • Matlab: Come with me if you want to research
  • Lua: I'll take things from here
  • Lisp Dialects: Trust in the recursion
    Racket: learning is fun

Ah there are some updates!


Redis GUI

Redis is one of full featured in-memory database with optional persistence and replication. Redis support 5 kind of data types: key-value (SET, GET), hashtable (HSET, HGET), linkedlist (L/RPUSH, L/RPOP), sets (SADD, SREM) and sorted/scored-sets (ZADD, ZREM).

Looking for GUI for redis? Thy these apps, from the best to the least:

Redis React

Built using Mono + ReactJS. Just download and Run (install Mono first if you are using Linux).

Redis Desktop Manager

Built using C++ and Qt5.

yaourt --needed --noconfirm -S --force redis-desktop-manager


A fork of FastoNoSql, I don't know what this one built with, since the github repository doesn't have the source.

Redis Commander

Built using NodeJS

sudo npm install -g redis-commander


Built using Python2 and Flask Framework. Just clone the repository, install its dependencies and run.

Btw, happy new year :3



Javascript ES6 to ES5 Transpiler

When you are so eager to use ES6 features but you know that most browsers not yet implement all ES6 features completely (that's why there are also HTML5 pollyfills). Here's the list of transpiler to convert Javascript ES6 to ES5:
Almost 2 years ago comparison between Babel and Termi. Oh and yes, you can use Babel with WebStorm.
Note that every transpilers (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Elm, Haxe, etc) suffer the same problem: compile duration (hey, one more thing to do [=minify] before testing/deploying) and hard debugging (easier if you use source maps, only for JS transpilers, I don't know if these things exists for transpiler for other language). Still I wish for wAsm to come faster. Btw I learned ES6 just for react-native-web, otherwise I would always still stick with ES5.


Programming Language Libraries

Woot woot! I found a website that crawls for libraries *__*)b
And I think it awesome that Go got first rank.

By Language/Editor

By Package Manager, note:

go (go get), npm (js), rubygems (ruby), maven (java), packagist (php), pypi (python), nuget (.net, c#, vb.net, and f# mostly), bower (js), wordpress (php), cpan (perl), cocoapods (objective-c and swift), clojars (clojure), meteor (js), cran (r), hackage (haskell), atom (text editor), cargo (rust), homebrew (osx), emacs (text editor), swiftpm (swift), hex (erlang, elixir), pub (dart), sublime (text editor), platformio (iot), julia (julia), carthage (objective-c, swift), dub (d), haxelib (haxe), jam (js), elm (elm), alcatraz (xcode ide), nimble (nim), inqlude (qt), shards (crystal)


List of Tech Migrations

I'm quite fascinated with the decision (and obviously the effort) of leaving a language or database to another technology, here's the list that I found:
So many migrating to Go ^^. If it's not about migration, there's a lot more here that apparently choose Go (interviews, from X to Go, and also more here).

NOTE: this list will be no longer updated, you can see the lastest changes on github repo so anyone can contribute/update.

Btw why not MongoDB or CockroachDB.. but I think now they are getting better.

If you found any more news like this, paste the link on the comment, I'll gladly add them on the list.


Faster than Go? Yes, plenty

Is there anything that faster than Go? yes, there are plenty, but I'm not sure if it would be fun to code with.. What are they?


G-WAN is closed-source web application server (not a language like Go). If I'm not mistaken G-WAN caches GET request, so second hit within few ms won't execute the backend function, practically this is cheating for benchmark (not merged), but for real application this feature quite great (can cope up with DDOS attack) :3 Btw did I mention that this web application server support whole lot of language? asm, C, C++, C#, D, Go, Java, Javascript, Lua, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala with CGI-like writing. One note that you must really learn how HTTP works (parsing header, setting cookie, parsing POST parameters, etc) if you want to use this.

I don't really know if this suffer the same problem similar to others that use CGI instead of FastCGI: connection pooling to database (but we can use pgpool).


LWAN is also web application server that uses C, can be used with LuaJIT (fast implementation of Lua). For the framework you can use Sailor (Example).


PyParallel is a programming language implementation, forked from Python3, removes GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).


Julia is one awesome programming language that uses LLVM, it focuses

Actually there's a lot more implementation that faster than Go for certain (or all) cases, such as: C, C++, Ada, Rust, Java, and Fortran, be sure to check on BenchmarkGame site.

But, don't choose a language or web framework or web application platform just based on performance, there's a lot of things to consider, for example:
  • either it's waste of time to work with (since you must do many things manually aka there's no framework or so little libraries/function yet)
  • how easy it's to train a new programmer to work with you or continue the project
  • what's the continuity of the technology (if the project abandoned by the author/maintainer)
  • build/compile duration
  • etc..
If you are looking for next hype? try Elixir and Phoenix.