There's a lot more it can offer:
- WP-CLI: Command line interface for WordPress
- Redis: in-memory database
- Adminer: single php file database (not just MySQL) manager (formerly called PhpMinAdmin)
- PhpRedisAdmin: Redis web manager
- phpMemcachedAdmin
- FastCGI cleanup script
- OPcache: precompile php into in-memory bytecode
- Webgrind: XDebug frontend
- Anemometer: MySql slow query analyser
- RoundCube: webmail software
- Amavis: mail virus scanner
- SpamAssassin: mail spam filter
- ClamAV: antivirus
How to install EasyEngine?
wget -qO ee && sudo bash ee
What's we must use this? it saves time (automated install, automatic update), best practice (Nginx instead of Apache, HHVM/PHP7 instead of PHP5, caching), configuration backup (using Git)
For more information you can visit their website
But wait kiz, you hate PHP right? why you endorse this?
at least this IS far better than poor performance/neglected/insecure/lousy crap configuration/choice that I always see in the past.