Redis is one of full featured in-memory database with optional persistence and replication. Redis support 5 kind of data types: key-value (SET, GET), hashtable (HSET, HGET), linkedlist (L/RPUSH, L/RPOP), sets (SADD, SREM) and sorted/scored-sets (ZADD, ZREM).
Looking for GUI for redis? Thy these apps, from the best to the least:
Redis React
Built using Mono + ReactJS. Just download and Run (install Mono first if you are using Linux).
Redis Desktop Manager
Built using C++ and Qt5.
yaourt --needed --noconfirm -S --force redis-desktop-manager
A fork of FastoNoSql, I don't know what this one built with, since the github repository doesn't have the source.
Redis Commander
Built using NodeJS
sudo npm install -g redis-commander
Built using Python2 and Flask Framework. Just clone the repository, install its dependencies and run.
Btw, happy new year :3
programming: the action or process of writing computer programs. | rants: speak or shout at length in a wild, [im]passioned way.