
Cleanup git and docker Disk Usage

Sometimes our cloned repository became so freakin large, for example golang's google.golang.org/api, currently mine consume about 1.1GB. We could compress it using garbage collection parameter:

git gc 
du -hs .
# 664 MB in about 20 seconds

Or if you have time you can use aggresive GC, like this:

git gc --aggressive
du -hs .
# 217 MB in about 5 minutes  

Or if you do not need any old history, you can clone then replace, like this:

git clone --mirror --depth=5  file://$PWD ../temp
rm -rf .git/objects
mv ../temp/{shallow,objects} .git
rm -rf ../temp
# 150 MB in about 2 seconds

Next you can reclaim space from docker using this command:

sudo docker system prune -a -f
docker system df

For more disk usage analysis you can use baobab for linux or windirstat on windows.

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