Showing posts with label docker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label docker. Show all posts


Benchmarking docker-volume vs mount-fs vs tmpfs

So today we're gonna benchmark between docker-volume (bind to docker-managed volume), bind/mount-fs (binding to host filesystem), and tmpfs. Which one can be the fastest? here's the docker compose:

version: "3.7"
    image: ubuntu
    command: "sleep 3600"
        - ./temp1:/temp1 # mountfs
        - temp2:/temp2   # dockvol
        - temp3:/temp3   # tmpfs

      type: tmpfs
      device: tmpfs

The docker compose file is on the sibling directory as data-root of docker to ensure using the same SSD. First benchmark we're gonna clone from this repository, then run copy, create 100 small files, then do 2 sequential write (small and large), here's the result of those (some steps not pasted below, eg. removing file when running benchmark twice for example):

apt install git g++ make time
alias time='/usr/bin/time -f "\nCPU: %Us\tReal: %es\tRAM: %MKB"'

cd /temp3 # tmpfs
git clone

### copy small files

time cp -R /temp3/file-IO-benchmark /temp2 # dockvol
CPU: 0.00s      Real: 1.02s     RAM: 2048KB

time cp -R /temp3/file-IO-benchmark /temp1 # bindfs
CPU: 0.00s      Real: 1.00s     RAM: 2048KB

### create 100 x 10MB files

cd /temp3/file*
time make data # tmpfs
CPU: 0.41s      Real: 0.91s     RAM: 3072KB

cd /temp2/file*
time make data # dockvol
CPU: 0.44s      Real: 1.94s     RAM: 2816KB

cd /temp1/file*
time make data # mountfs
CPU: 0.51s      Real: 1.83s     RAM: 2816KB

### compile

cd /temp3/file*
time make # tmpfs
CPU: 2.93s  Real: 3.23s RAM: 236640KB

cd /temp2/file*
time make # dockvol
CPU: 2.94s  Real: 3.22s RAM: 236584KB

cd /temp1/file*
time make # mountfs
CPU: 2.89s  Real: 3.13s RAM: 236300KB

### sequential small

cd /temp3 # tmpfs
time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img count=10 bs=200M

2097152000 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 0.910784 s, 2.3 GB/s

cd /temp2 # dockvol
time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img count=10 bs=200M

2097152000 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 2.26261 s, 927 MB/s

cd /temp1 # mountfs
time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img count=10 bs=200M
2097152000 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 2.46954 s, 849 MB/s

### sequential large

cd /temp3 # tmpfs
time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img count=10 bs=1G
10737418240 bytes (11 GB, 10 GiB) copied, 4.95956 s, 2.2 GB/s

cd /temp2 # dockvol
time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img count=10 bs=1G
10737418240 bytes (11 GB, 10 GiB) copied, 81.8511 s, 131 MB/s
10737418240 bytes (11 GB, 10 GiB) copied, 44.2367 s, 243 MB/s
# ^ running twice because I'm not sure why it's so slow

cd /temp1 # mountfs
time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.img count=10 bs=1G
10737418240 bytes (11 GB, 10 GiB) copied, 12.7516 s, 842 MB/s

The conclusion is, docker volume is a bit faster (+10%) for sequential small, but significantly slower (-72% to -84%) for large sequential files compared to bind/mount-fs, for the other cases seems there's no noticeable difference. I always prefer bind/mount-fs over docker volume because of safety, for example if you accidentally run docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q) this would delete all your docker volume (I did this multiple times on my own dev PC), also you can easily backup/rsync/copy/manage files if using bind/mount-fs. For other cases, that you don't care whether losing files or not and need high performance (as long as your ram is enough), just use tmpfs.


Using Vault with Go

So today we're gonna use vault to make the configuration of an application to be in-memory, this would make debugging harder (since it's in memory, not on disk), but a bit more secure (if got hacked, have to read memory to know the credentials). 

The flow of doing this is something like this:

1. Set up Vault service in separate directory (vault-server/Dockerfile):

FROM hashicorp/vault

RUN apk add --no-cache bash jq

COPY reseller1-policy.hcl /vault/config/reseller1-policy.hcl
COPY terraform-policy.hcl /vault/config/terraform-policy.hcl



    --start-period=5s \
    --interval=1s \
    --timeout=1s \
    --retries=30 \
        CMD [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "[ -f /tmp/healthy ]" ]

2. The reseller1 ("user" for the app) policy and terraform (just name, we don't use terraform here, this could be any tool that provision/deploy the app, eg. any CD pipeline) policy is something like this:

# terraform-policy.hcl
path "auth/approle/role/dummy_role/secret-id" {
  capabilities = ["update"]

path "secret/data/dummy_config_yaml/*" {
  capabilities = ["create","update","read","patch","delete"]

path "secret/dummy_config_yaml/*" { # v1
  capabilities = ["create","update","read","patch","delete"]

path "secret/metadata/dummy_config_yaml/*" {
  capabilities = ["list"]

# reseller1-policy.hcl
path "secret/data/dummy_config_yaml/reseller1/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

path "secret/dummy_config_yaml/reseller1/*" { # v1
  capabilities = ["read"]

3. Then we need to create init script for docker (, so it could execute required permissions when docker started (insert policies, create appRole, reset token for provisioner), something like this:

set -e

export VAULT_ADDR=''
export VAULT_FORMAT='json'
sleep 1s
vault login -no-print "${VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID}"
vault policy write terraform-policy /vault/config/terraform-policy.hcl
vault policy write reseller1-policy /vault/config/reseller1-policy.hcl
vault auth enable approle

# configure AppRole
vault write auth/approle/role/dummy_role \
    token_policies=reseller1-policy \
    token_num_uses=0 \
    secret_id_ttl="32d" \
    token_ttl="32d" \

# overwrite token for provisioner
vault token create \
    -id="${TERRAFORM_TOKEN}" \
    -policy=terraform-policy \

# keep container alive
tail -f /dev/null & trap 'kill %1' TERM ; wait

5. Now that all has been set up, we can create docker compose (docker-compose.yaml) to start everything with proper environment variable injection, something like this:

version: '3.3'
    build: ./vault-server/
      - IPC_LOCK
      APPROLE_ROLE_ID:         dummy_app
      TERRAFORM_TOKEN:         dummyTerraformToken
      - "8200:8200"

# run with: docker compose up 

6. Now that vault server already up, we can run a script (should be run by provisioner/CD) to retrieve an AppSecret and write it to /tmp/secret, and write our app configuration (config.yaml) to vault path with key dummy_config_yaml/reseller1/region99 something like this:

TERRAFORM_TOKEN=`cat docker-compose.yml | grep TERRAFORM_TOKEN | cut -d':' -f2 | xargs echo -n`

# retrieve secret for appsecret so dummy app can load the /tmp/secret
curl \
   --request POST \
   --header "X-Vault-Token: ${TERRAFORM_TOKEN}" \
      "${VAULT_ADDRESS}/v1/auth/approle/role/dummy_role/secret-id" > /tmp/debug

cat /tmp/debug | jq -r '.data.secret_id' > /tmp/secret

# check appsecret exists
cat /tmp/debug
cat /tmp/secret

VAULT_DOCKER=`docker ps| grep vault | cut -d' ' -f 1`

echo 'put secret'
cat config.yaml | docker exec -i $VAULT_DOCKER vault -v kv put -address= -mount=secret dummy_config_yaml/reseller1/region99 raw=-

echo 'check secret length'
docker exec -i $VAULT_DOCKER vault -v kv get -address= -mount=secret dummy_config_yaml/reseller1/region99 | wc -l

7. Next, we just need to creat an application that will read the AppSecret (/tmp/secret), retrieve the application config from vault key path secret dummy_config_yaml/reseller1/region99, something like this:

secretId := readFile(`/tmp/secret`)
config := vault.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = address
appRoleAuth, err := approle.NewAppRoleAuth(
    AppRoleID, -- injected on compile time = `dummy_app`
const configPath = `
secret, err := client.Logical().Read(configPath)
data := secret.Data[`data`]
m, ok := data.(map[string]interface{})
raw, ok := m[`raw`]
rawStr, ok := raw.(string)

the content of rawStr that read from vault will have exactly the same as config.yaml.

This way if hacker already got in into the system/OS/docker, can only know the secretId, to know the AppRoleID and the config.yaml content they have to analyze from memory. Full source code can be found here.


Dockerfile vs Nixpacks vs ko

Dockerfile is quite simple, first we need to pick the base image for build phase (only if you want to build inside docker, if you already have CI/CD that build it outside, you just need to copy the executable binary directly), put command of build steps, choose runtime image for run stage (popular one like ubuntu/debian have bunch of debugging tools, alpine/busybox for stripped one), copy the binary to that layer and done. 

FROM golang:1.20 as build1
# if you don't use go mod vendor
#COPY go.mod .
#COPY go.sum .
#RUN go mod download
COPY . .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o app1.exe

FROM busybox:latest
COPY --from=build1 /etc/ssl/certs /etc/ssl/certs
COPY --from=build1 /app1/app1.exe .
CMD ./app1.exe

then run the docker build and docker run command:

# build
docker build . -t app0
[+] Building 76.2s (15/15) FINISHED -- first time, without vendor
[+] Building 9.5s (12/12) FINISHED -- changing code, rebuild, with go mod vendor

# run
docker run -it app0

with nixpacks you just need to run this without having to create Dockerfile (as long there's main.go file):

# install nixpack
curl -sSL | bash

# build
nixpacks build . --name app1
[+] Building 315.7s (19/19) FINISHED -- first time build
[+] Building 37.2s (19/19) FINISHED -- changing code, rebuild

# run
docker run -it app1

With ko

# install ko
go install

# build
time ko build -L -t app2
CPU: 0.84s      Real: 5.05s     RAM: 151040KB

# run (have to do this since the image name is hashed)
docker run -it `docker image ls | grep app2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1`

How about container image size? Dockerfile with busybox only use 14.5MB, with ubuntu 82.4MB, debian 133MB, alpine 15.2MB, with nixpack it uses 99.2MB, and with ko it only took 11.5MB but it only support Go (and you cannot debug inside it, eg. for testing connectivity to 3rd party dependency using shell inside the container). So is it better to use nixpacks? I don't think so, both build speed and image size for this case is inferior compared to normal Dockerfile with busybox or ko.


Move docker Data Directory to Another Partition

My first NVMe (i hate this brand S*****P****), sometimes hangs periodically (marking the filesystem readonly) so 50-100% CPU usage and nothing more can be done. So I have to move some parts of it into another NVMe drive, here's how I moved docker to another partition

sudo systemctl stop docker

then you can edit

sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
# where /media/asd/nvme2 is your mount point to your other partition)
# add something like this
  "dns": ["",""],
  "data-root": "/media/asd/nvme2/docker"

Clone your partition to that new partition (no need to mkdir docker folder):

sudo rsync -aP --progress /var/lib/docker/ /media/asd/nvme2/docker
mv /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker.backup

Then try to start again the docker service:

sudo systemctl start docker 
sudo systemctl status docker 

If it all works, you can delete the backup of original data directory.


Multipass: Easy minimal Ubuntu VM on any OS

Normally we use LXC/LXD, KVM, QEMU, Docker, Vagrant, VirtualBox, VMWare or any other virtualization and containerization software to spawn a VM-like instance locally. Today we're gonna try multipass, a tool to spawn and orchestrate ubuntu VM. To install multipass, it's as easy as running these commands:

snap install multipass
ls -al /var/snap/multipass/common/multipass_socket
snap connect multipass:libvirt # if error: ensure libvirt is installed and running
snap info multipass

To spawn a VM on Ubuntu (for other OSes, see the link above), we can run:

multipass find

Image        Aliases      Version   Description
18.04        bionic       20220104  Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
20.04        focal,lts    20220118  Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
21.10        impish       20220118  Ubuntu 21.10
daily:22.04  devel,jammy  20220114  Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
minikube                  latest    minikube is local Kubernetes

multipass launch --name groovy-lagomorph lts
# 20.04 --cpus 1 --disk 5G --mem 1G

multipass list
Name                    State             IPv4             Image
groovy-lagomorph        Running      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

multipass info --all
Name:           groovy-lagomorph
State:          Running
Release:        Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Image hash:     e1264d4cca6c (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
Load:           0.00 0.00 0.00
Disk usage:     1.3G out of 4.7G
Memory usage:   134.2M out of 976.8M
Mounts:         --

To run shell inside newly spawned VM, we can run:

multipass shell groovy-lagomorph

multipass exec groovy-lagomorph -- bash

If you need to simulate ssh, according to this issue you can either:

sudo ssh -i /var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/ssh-keys/id_rsa ubuntu@

# or add ssh key before launch on cloud-init.yaml
  - <your_ssh_key>

# or copy ssh key manually after launch
sudo ssh-copy-id -f -o 'IdentityFile=/var/snap/multipass/common/data/multipassd/ssh-keys/id_rsa' -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@

If to stop/start/delete the VM:

multipass stop groovy-lagomorph
multipass start groovy-lagomorph
multipass delete groovy-lagomorph
multipass purge

What technology used by multipass? it's QEMU, but maybe it's different on another platform (it can run on Windows and MacOSX too).


Coolest PaaS/IaaS I've ever use: Jelastic

So, I'm looking an simplest deployment strategy for my next side project, I don't want to use Kubernetes since I'm all alone XD, learning Nomad, WayPoint, Swarm, and other popular tool to make it easy like Portainer, but why they doesn't make it just as simple as Vercel or Also don't want to use big cloud providers (GCP, AWS, Azure, etc) which the UI quite sucks like everything developed by different team with lack of communication and you have to do a lot of setup hassle just to deploy simple things. Then I found a really cool product called Jelastic, that fit my needs:
  1. Can autoscale out (like AWS ELB/ECS, GCR, ACS, etc) and auto-clustering (as easy as CloudSQL or AWS RDS/Aurora, but can be automatic)
  2. Can autoscale up '__') without downtime, only took 1 second to scale up from 1 core 640MB to 16 core 32GB (seems like they only changing container's resource quota limit) but you can see the changes directly without restart
  3. Can deploy VPS on the same cluster/network (for my databases, since I don't use "standard/popular" databases) and it's super cheap (it only took 3.9$ per month to deploy a VPS with 1 static IP, and can autoscale up), you only need to pay what you utilize (CPU and RAM usage), not charged 100% when server up unlike other VPS providers
  4. The UI doesn't sucks XD you can WebSSH, normal SSH (as long as have real IP), easy SSL setup, super easy to change config, the lacking part about Jelastic probably configfile/gitops-based setup (for working with multiple members in the future) at least there's API and CLI to create and modify environment, not sure if there's auditing available (haven't checked yet). 
  5. Can also deploy automatically from git (checked every N minutes) or CI pipeline or using CLI.
  6. Easy to move (live migration) to different providers, change ownership of a cluster, or if it's not enabled, at least there's no vendor locking, you can also manually export and import environment (for example copying staging setup to production has similar architecture just different deployment branch and scaling strategy).

Other cool things that I won't use: deploying any-container/docker-based with easy steps, deploying kubernetes, bunch of stack in marketplace provided (may vary on different provider).

For 3.9$ (if you utilize only 1%) per month (16 core, 32GB RAM, 200 GB NVMe VPS, 1 static IP, provider: ToggleBox), you can get the greenest (highest on average) result among all VPS I've ever tried:

You can see the raw benchmark result here and recap here.

What's the catch?
  1. It's quite expensive if you utilize 100% (around 339$ if you use ToggleBox for the specs above), for comparison:
    1. cheapest highest spec Contabo's VPS (9 core, 60GB RAM, 1.5TB SSD) unmetered bandwidth only cost $55-ish per month (not apple-to-apple since it's different spec and performance, also this is what you should pay per month regardless your utilization)
    2. similar spec GCE n1-custom-16-32768 (16 core, 32GB, 200GB SSD) non-committed, cost $525 excluding bandwidth
    3. similar spec AWS EC2 a1.xlarge (16 core, 32GB RAM, 200GB gp2 SSD) on-demand, only cost  $317 excluding bandwidth
    4. similar spec Azure F16s (16 core, 32GB RAM, 256GB SSD) pay-as-you-go, cost $634 excluding bandwidth
    5. cheapest OVH on SG (8 core. 64GB RAM, 400GB SSD) only cost $135 with unmetered 200Mbps bandwidth
    but still, this is way cheaper for minimum usage than if you use GCR you will be billed around ~$10 per month for idle instance, or ~$37 for standby instance (for 1 VCPU, 1 GB RAM, not including bandwidth that quite pricey $0.085)
  2. Some provider have different "free" tier, for example ToggleBox give free 2GB bandwidth per hour (GCR only give free 1GB per month XD), some other provider give free 1 static IP, some other provider give free 10GB disk usage per hour, etc.
  3. License might be pricey if you install it on your own cluster instead of using the already provided (eg. DewaCloud or CloudKilat for Indonesia region, ToggleBox for US region, etc), but they have profit sharing model if you are a reseller (have your own VPS and rent it).
  4. The billing is hourly (so you will always billed at minimum 1 cloudlet -- specs of 1 cloudlet can be vary per provider), compared to for example GCR that use second as minimum billing resolution (VCPU, GB RAM, Requests, and Bandwidth).

That's it for now, I'll create a new post if I found something better.


Dockerfile Template (React, Express, Vue, Nest, Angular, GoFiber, Svelte, Django, Laravel, ASP.NET Core, Kotlin, Deno)

These are docker template for deploying common applications (either using Kubernetes, Nomad, or locally using docker-compose), this post are copied mostly from scalablescripts youtube channel and docker docs, the gist for nginx config are here.


FROM node:15.4 as build1
COPY package+.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:1.19
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=build1 /app1/build /usr/share/nginx/html

To build it, use docker build -t react1 .
To run it, use docker run -p 8001:80 react1


FROM node:15.4 
COPY package+.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD node index.js


FROM node:15.4 as build1
COPY package+.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:1.19
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=build1 /app1/dist /usr/share/nginx/html

The only different thing from react is the build directory not build/ but dist/.


FROM node:15.4 as build1
COPY package+.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM node:15.4
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install --only=production
COPY --from=build1 /app1/dist ./dist
CMD npm run start:prod


FROM node:15.4 as build1
COPY package+.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build --prod

FROM nginx:1.19
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=build1 /app1/dist/PROJECT_NAME /usr/share/nginx/html

Fiber (Golang)

FROM golang:1.16-alpine as build1
COPY go.mod .
COPY go.sum .
RUN go mod download
COPY . .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o app1.exe

FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
COPY --from=build1 /app1/app1.exe .
CMD ./app1.exe

You don't need COPY go.mod to go mod download step if you have vendor/ directory to /go/pkg/mod, you can reuse it instead of redownloading whole dependencies (this can really faster things up on the CI/CD pipeline, especially if you live on 3rd world country). The ca-certificates only needed if you need to hit https endpoints, if you don't then you can skip that step.


FROM node:15.4 as build1
COPY package+.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:1.19
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=build1 /app1/public /usr/share/nginx/html


FROM python:3.9-alpine as build1
COPY requirements.txt .
CMD pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD python runserver


FROM php:7.4-fpm
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git curl libpng-dev libonig-dev libxml2-dev zip unzip
RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql mbstring
COPY composer.json .
RUN composer install --no-scripts
COPY . .
CMD php artisan serve --host= --port=80


FROM as build1
COPY *.csproj .
CMD dotnet restore
COPY . .
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

COPY --from=build1 /app1/out .


FROM gradle:7-jdk8 as build1
COPY . .
RUN ./gradlew build --stacktrace

FROM openjdk
COPY --from=build1 /app/build/libs/PROJECT_NAME-VERSION-SNAPSHOT.jar .


FROM denoland/deno:1.11.0
COPY . .
RUN ["--run","--allow-net","app.ts"]


For deployment you can use AWS (elastic container registry and elastic container instance or elastic container service with fargate), Azure (azure container registry and azure container instance), GoogleCloud (upload to container registry and google cloud run), or just upload it to docker registry then pull it on the server.


GOPS: Trace your Golang service with ease

GoPS is one alternative (also made by Google, other than pprof) to measure, trace or diagnose the performance and memory usage your Go-powered service/long-lived program. The usage is very easy, you just need to import and add 3 lines in your main (so the gops command line can communicate with your program):

import ""

func main() {
  if err := agent.Listen(agent.Options{}); err != nil {
  // remaining of your long-lived program logic

If you don't put those lines, you can still use gops limited to get list of programs running on your computer/server that made with Go with limited statistics information, using these commands:

$ go get -u -v

$ gops  # show the list of running golang program
1248    1       dnscrypt-proxy  go1.13.4  /usr/bin/dnscrypt-proxy
1259    1       containerd      go1.13.15 /usr/bin/containerd
18220   1       dockerd         go1.13.15 /usr/bin/dockerd
1342132 1306434 docker          go1.13.15 /usr/bin/docker

$ gops tree # show running process in tree

$ gops PID # check the stats and whether the program have GOPS agent

# these commands below only available
# if the binary compiled with GOPS agent
# PID can be replaced with GOPS host:port of that program

$ gops stack PID # get current stack trace of running PID

$ gops memstats PID # get memory statistics of running PID

$ gops gc PID # force garbage collection

$ gops setgc PID X # set GC percentage

$ gops pprof-cpu PID # get cpu profile graph
$ gops pprof-heap PID # get memory usage profile graph
profile saved at /tmp/heap_profile070676630
$ gops trace PID # get 5 sec execution trace

# you can install graphviz to visualize the cpu/memory profile
$ sudo apt install graphviz

# visualize the cpu/memory profile graph on the web browser
$ go tool pprof /tmp/heap_profile070676630
> web 

Next step is analyze the call graph for the memory leaks (which mostly just wrongly/forgot to defer body/sql rows or holding slice reference of huge buffer or certain framework's cache trashing) or slow functions, whichever your mission are.

What if golang service you need to trace it inside Kubernetes pod that the GOPS address (host:port) not exposed to outside-world? Kubernetes is a popular solution for companies that manages bunch of servers/microservices or cloud like (GKE, AKS, Amazon EKS, ACK, DOKS, etc) but obviously overkill solution for small companies that doesn't need to scale elastically (or the servers are less than 10 or not using microservice architecture).

First, you must compile gops statically so it can be run inside alpine container (which mostly what people use):

$ cd $GOPATH/go/src/
$ export CGO_ENABLED=0
$ go mod vendor
$ go build

# copy gops to your kubernetes pod
$ export POD_NAME=blabla
$ kubectl cp ./gops $POD_NAME:/bin

# ssh/exec to your pod
$ kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -- sh
$ gops

# for example you want to check heap profile for PID=1
$ gops pprof-heap 1
$ exit

# copy back trace file to local, then you can analyze the dump
kubectl cp $POD:/tmp/heap_profile070676630 out.dump

But if your address and port are exposed you can directly use gops from your computer to the pod or create a tunnel inside the pod if it doesn't have public IP, for example using ngrok.

Btw if you know any companies migrating from/to certain language (especially Go), frameworks or database, you can contribute here.


Cleanup git and docker Disk Usage

Sometimes our cloned repository became so freakin large, for example golang's, currently mine consume about 1.1GB. We could compress it using garbage collection parameter:

git gc 
du -hs .
# 664 MB in about 20 seconds

Or if you have time you can use aggresive GC, like this:

git gc --aggressive
du -hs .
# 217 MB in about 5 minutes  

Or if you do not need any old history, you can clone then replace, like this:

git clone --mirror --depth=5  file://$PWD ../temp
rm -rf .git/objects
mv ../temp/{shallow,objects} .git
rm -rf ../temp
# 150 MB in about 2 seconds

Next you can reclaim space from docker using this command:

sudo docker system prune -a -f
docker system df

For more disk usage analysis you can use baobab for linux or windirstat on windows.


Expose LXC/LXD Container Ports to Public

LXC/LXD is lightweight OS-level virtualization on Linux, much like OpenVZ. It was used by early version of Docker. The benefit of using LXC/LXD is when you need a virtualization but also need fast startup and near-baremetal performance (especially compared to full-virtualization like KVM or VirtualBox). The difference between Docker and LXC is which level they are targeting, Docker is more for application deployment, where LXC is machine level. LXD adds REST API for LXC. Other main difference between LXC and Docker is that Docker has a copy-on-write file system built-in. To start using LXD, just install and run:

sudo apt install lxc lxd libvirt-bin zfsutils-linux
sudo lxd init

# there would be questions to be answered like these:
Would you like to use LXD clustering? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Do you want to configure a new storage pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Name of the new storage pool [default=default]: 
Name of the storage backend to use (dir, lvm, zfs) [default=zfs]: 
Create a new ZFS pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Would you like to use an existing block device? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Size in GB of the new loop device (1GB minimum) [default=100GB]:    
Would you like to connect to a MAAS server? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Would you like to create a new local network bridge? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
What should the new bridge be called? [default=lxdbr0]: 
What IPv4 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: 
What IPv6 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: 
Would you like LXD to be available over the network? (yes/no) [default=no]: yes
Address to bind LXD to (not including port) [default=all]:
Port to bind LXD to [default=8443]: 
Trust password for new clients: 
Would you like stale cached images to be updated automatically? (yes/no) [default=yes] 
Would you like a YAML "lxd init" preseed to be printed? (yes/no) [default=no]:

# cache one and run one container, but this will only shown on lxc-ls
sudo lxc-create -t download -n container1 -- --dist ubuntu --release bionic --arch amd64
sudo lxc-start --name container1 --daemon
sudo lxc-info --name container1
sudo lxc-stop --name container1
sudo lxc-destroy --name container1

# or run one container
lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 container1

# run command inside, enable ssh with password, change the root password
lxc exec container1 bash
echo '
PermitRootLogin yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
' > /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart ssh

Then you'll need to expose (or port forward) from outside to your container:

# get ip from your container
lxc list
|    NAME    |  STATE  |         IPV4          |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| container1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | PERSISTENT | 0         |

# forward real port 2200 to container's port 22 and vice versa
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -i lxdbr0 -m state --state NEW,INVALID -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport 2200 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2200 -j DNAT --to

You can test whether the port forwarding and ssh works using these command from another computer:

ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive,password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no root:@thePublicIpAddress -p 2200

If you need to expose more ports, for example container's 80 to real's 8080 for example, you can add the rules like this:

iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to

But for this case, I think it's better to use a reverse proxy instead.

Here's the performance difference between baremetal machine and LXC?

CPU model:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz 
Number of cores: 8
CPU frequency:  2199.996 MHz
Total amount of RAM: 30151 MB
Total amount of swap:  MB
System uptime:   147 days, 20:48,    
I/O speed:  132 MB/s
Bzip 25MB: 8.01s
Download 100MB file: 69.2MB/s

I/O speed(1st run)   : 127 MB/s
I/O speed(2nd run)   : 107 MB/s
I/O speed(3rd run)   : 107 MB/s
Average I/O speed    : 113.7 MB/s

LXC (because the write not yet committed?):

CPU model:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz 
Number of cores: 8
CPU frequency:  2199.996 MHz
Total amount of RAM: 30151 MB
Total amount of swap:  MB
System uptime:   20 min,    
I/O speed:  451 MB/s
Bzip 25MB: 9.40s
Download 100MB file: 63.7MB/s

I/O speed(1st run)   : 925 MB/s
I/O speed(2nd run)   : 1.2 GB/s
I/O speed(3rd run)   : 956 MB/s
Average I/O speed    : 1036.6 MB/s


Docker: The Software Container

Docker is operating system-level virtualization, software container that enables sysadmin or software developer to deploy an isolated distributed Linux application almost anywhere without any hypervisor (but both can be combined). Docker is more resource friendly (efficient) than any hardware virtualization solutions, faster startup-shutdown time, and lower hardware requirement (it works as long as you have Linux kernel that support LXC). Docker can run on Mac OS X and Windows via boot2docker (or with Vagrant or any virtualization software). To install it on ArchLinux, type:

# install stable version
$ yaourt --needed --noconfirm -S --force docker

# or latest git version
$ yaourt --needed --noconfirm -S --force docker-git

# start and enable the service
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
$ sudo systemctl start docker

# allow your user to access docker, refresh session
$ sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` docker
$ newgrp docker

# show information
$ docker info
Containers: 0
Images: 0
Storage Driver: aufs
 Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Dirs: 0
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Kernel Version: 3.18.7-1-ARCH
Operating System: ArchLinux
CPUs: 4
Total Memory: 15.49 GiB
Name: zzz

WARNING: No swap limit support

The docker service will create a network bridge interface (mostly docker0). You can use your own base image or download pre-built one. Make sure you have a lot disk space on your /var/lib/docker directory since docker store the images there. To create an ArchLinux base image, use any of these repositories, for example:

$ docker pull l3iggs/archlinux
$ docker pull kampka/archlinux
$ docker pull codekoala/arch

$ docker pull logankoester/archlinux 
Pulling repository logankoester/archlinux
88d601db3077: Download complete 
511136ea3c5a: Download complete 
9b0516337e5a: Download complete 
dce0559daa1b: Download complete 
ff4d9d90bf08: Download complete 
7207641fe7f8: Download complete 
Status: Downloaded newer image for logankoester/archlinux:latest

To list all docker images, type docker images, find the image's REPOSITORY or IMAGE ID, then you can run any command on that docker using docker run for example:

$ docker run 88d601db3077 ls -al

docker run -t -i logankoester/archlinux /bin/bash

$ docker run logankoester/archlinux pacman -Rdd --noconfirm dirmngr

Packages (1): dirmngr-1.1.1-2

Total Removed Size:   0.49 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] 

removing dirmngr...

$ docker run logankoester/archlinux pacman -Syu --noconfirm
:: Synchronizing package databases...
downloading core.db...
downloading extra.db...
downloading community.db...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace dirmngr with core/gnupg? [Y/n] 
:: Replace lzo2 with core/lzo? [Y/n] 
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Packages (77): archlinux-keyring-20150212-1  bash-4.3.033-1  ca-certificates-20140923-9  ca-certificates-cacert-20140824-2  ca-certificates-mozilla-3.17.4-1  ca-certificates-utils-20140923-9  coreutils-8.23-1  cracklib-2.9.1-1  curl-7.40.0-1  db-5.3.28-2  dbus-1.8.16-2  device-mapper-2.02.116-1  dhcpcd-6.7.1-1  dirmngr-1.1.1-2 [removal]  e2fsprogs-1.42.12-1  expat-2.1.0-4  file-5.22-1  filesystem-2015.02-1  gcc-libs-4.9.2-3  gettext-0.19.4-1  glib2-2.42.1-1  glibc-2.21-2  gmp-6.0.0-2  gnupg-2.1.2-1  gnutls-3.3.12-1  gpgme-1.5.3-1  grep-2.21-1  hwids-20150129-1  inetutils-1.9.2-2  iproute2-3.18.0-1  kbd-2.0.2-1  kmod-19-1  krb5-1.13.1-1  less-471-1  libarchive-3.1.2-8  libassuan-2.1.3-1  libcap-2.24-2  libdbus-1.8.16-2  libffi-3.2.1-1  libgcrypt-1.6.2-1  libgpg-error-1.18-1  libidn-1.29-1  libksba-1.3.2-1  libldap-2.4.40-2  libsystemd-218-2  libtasn1-4.2-1  libtirpc-0.2.5-1  libunistring-0.9.4-1  libutil-linux-2.25.2-1  linux-api-headers-3.18.5-1  logrotate-3.8.8-2  lz4-127-1  lzo-2.09-1  lzo2-2.08-1 [removal]  mpfr-3.1.2.p11-1  ncurses-5.9-7  netctl-1.10-1  nettle-2.7.1-1  npth-1.1-1  openresolv-3.6.1-1  openssl-1.0.2-1  p11-kit-0.22.1-3  pacman-4.2.1-1  pacman-mirrorlist-20150205-1  pcre-8.36-2  perl-5.20.2-1  pinentry-0.9.0-1  procps-ng-3.3.10-1  shadow-4.2.1-2  systemd-218-2  systemd-sysvcompat-218-2  tar-1.28-1  texinfo-5.2-3  tzdata-2015a-1  usbutils-008-1  util-linux-2.25.2-1  xz-5.2.0-1

Total Download Size:    62.40 MiB
Total Installed Size:   264.78 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       26.52 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 

:: Retrieving packages ...

The previous changes of each run is not saved until you call docker commit, find out the last run ID first before committing:

$ docker ps -l 
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS               NAMES
6d67ee44e7f5        logankoester/archlinux:latest   "pacman -Syu --nocon   11 minutes ago      Exited (0) 2 minutes ago                       stoic_meitner 

# docker commit ID your_username/your_repository
$ docker commit 6d67ee44e7f5 kokizzu/archlinux

To check more information about current dock, use docker inspect followed by image ID:

$ docker images 
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
kokizzu/archlinux        latest              5ab1562ea899        28 seconds ago      640.6 MB
logankoester/archlinux   latest              88d601db3077        24 hours ago        282.9 MB

# docker inspect ID
$ docker inspect 5ab1562ea899

After you verify that your image is working, you can share it to others (create a repository first on your dashboard), for example:

# docker push ID your_username/your_repository

You can find more information on the cheatsheet and the documentation, and if you're tempted to install sshd read this first.