
Move docker Data Directory to Another Partition

My first NVMe (i hate this brand S*****P****), sometimes hangs periodically (marking the filesystem readonly) so 50-100% CPU usage and nothing more can be done. So I have to move some parts of it into another NVMe drive, here's how I moved docker to another partition

sudo systemctl stop docker

then you can edit

sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
# where /media/asd/nvme2 is your mount point to your other partition)
# add something like this
  "dns": ["",""],
  "data-root": "/media/asd/nvme2/docker"

Clone your partition to that new partition (no need to mkdir docker folder):

sudo rsync -aP --progress /var/lib/docker/ /media/asd/nvme2/docker
mv /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker.backup

Then try to start again the docker service:

sudo systemctl start docker 
sudo systemctl status docker 

If it all works, you can delete the backup of original data directory.

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