- ACID Transaction, like standard RDBMS and Aerospike
- Replication, very easy load balance, like Aerospike, Redis, etc
- On-Disk Persistence, like Redis Enterprise, Aerospike, KeyDB Pro
- Extension Modules, like Redis (RediGraph, RediSearch, RediSQL, etc)
- Can use SQL, so no need to learn new language, unlike MongoDB, ArangoDB, or databases that only support partial/subset of SQL: ScyllaDB CQL and GridDB TQL, eg. no WHERE-IN.
- Combining both in-memory and disk storage, like paid version of Redis, KeyDB
- Can use Go :3 unlike GridDB that only have partial support
- Extremely customizable using Lua, even on the server part
- Less memory requirement when using vinyl engine (for large datasets that are larger than RAM) compared to in-memory solutions like Aerospike (64 byte per key requirement) or Redis swap, sacrificing the I/O performance.
Some of the cons of using Tarantool is that you cannot prepend or drop fields/column, you can only append and the field should be nullable until ever rows have all values.
To install Tarantool on ubuntu (without Docker) you can use these commands:
curl -L https://tarantool.io/odVEwx/release/2.4/installer.sh | bash
curl -L https://tarantool.io/odVEwx/live/2.5/installer.sh | bash
sudo apt install tarantool
sudo systemctl enable tarantool
sudo systemctl start tarantool
netstat -antp | grep 3301
netstat -antp | grep 3301
If it doesn't work or stuck just ctrl-C the curl script then install manually from these repo:
echo '
deb https://download.tarantool.org/odVEwx/tarantool/2.5/ubuntu/ focal main
deb-src https://download.tarantool.org/odVEwx/tarantool/2.5/ubuntu/ focal main
deb https://download.tarantool.org/tarantool/modules/ubuntu/ focal main
deb-src https://download.tarantool.org/tarantool/modules/ubuntu/ focal main
' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tarantool_2_5.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tarantool
tarantoolctl connect 3301
-- create "table"
s = box.schema.space.create('tester')
s = box.schema.space.create('tester')
-- s equal to box.space.tester
-- create "schema"
{name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
{name = 'band_name', type = 'string'},
{name = 'year', type = 'unsigned'}
-- create primary index
s:create_index('primary', {
type = 'hash',
parts = {'id'}
-- insert records
s:insert{1, 'Roxette', 1986}
s:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 2015}
s:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1993}
-- query using primary index
-- create secondary index
s:create_index('secondary', {
type = 'hash',
parts = {'band_name'}
-- query using secondary index
-- grant guest user to access anywhere
box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
-- reset the admin password, only when listen,
-- eg. from /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/example.lua
-- alter table
{name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
{name = 'band_name', type = 'string'},
{name = 'year', type = 'unsigned'},
{name = 'rate', type = 'unsigned', is_nullable=true}})
-- update record id=1, 4th column to 5
-- update record id=1, 4th column to 5
box.space.tester:update(1, {{'=', 4, 5}})
-- update record id=2, 4th column to 4
box.space.tester:update(2, {{'=', 4, 4}})
-- search id>1
box.space.tester:select(1, {iterator = 'GT'})
-- can be LT, LE, EQ, REQ (reverse equal), GE, GT.
-- must have TREE index
Next, how to connect from golang? We need to install first go-tarantoll library:
go get -u -v github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool
# or: go get -u -v github.com/viciious/go-tarantool
Next let's create a go file:
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := tarantool.Connect("", tarantool.Opts{
User: "guest",
Pass: "",
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Connection refused "+err.Error())
defer conn.Close()
// insert
resp, err := conn.Insert("tester", []interface{}{4, "ABBA", 1972})
fmt.Printf("Insert: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)
// select offset=0, limit=1
resp, err = conn.Select("tester", "primary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{4})
fmt.Printf("Select: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err) resp, err = conn.Select("tester","secondary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{"ABBA"})
fmt.Printf("Select: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)
// update col 2 by 3
resp, err = conn.Update("tester", "primary", []interface{}{4}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 2, 3}})
fmt.Printf("Update: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err) // replace
resp, err = conn.Replace("tester", []interface{}{4, "New band", 2011})
fmt.Printf("Replace: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)
// upsert: update increment col 2 by 5, or insert if not exists
// does not return data back
resp, err = conn.Upsert("tester", []interface{}{4, "Another band", 2000}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 2, 5}})
fmt.Printf("Upsert: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err) // delete
resp, err = conn.Delete("tester", "primary", []interface{}{4})
fmt.Printf("Delete: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)
// call directly, do not add () when calling
resp, err = conn.Call("box.space.tester:count", []interface{}{})
fmt.Printf("Call: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err) // eval Lua
resp, err = conn.Eval("return 4 + 5", []interface{}{})
fmt.Printf("Eval: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)
It would give an output something like this:
Insert: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b4}} <nil>
Select: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b4}} <nil>
Select: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b4}} <nil>
Update: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b7}} <nil>
Replace: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "New band", 0x7db}} <nil>
Upsert: []interface {}{} <nil>
Delete: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "New band", 0x7e0}} <nil>
Call: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x3}} <nil>
Eval: []interface {}{0x9} <nil>
Each row/tuple in Tarantool stored as MsgPack and when displayed in console it uses YAML format. TREE is the default index in tarantool engine, memtx engine support few more: HASH, RTREE, BITSET. The TREE or HASH may only index certain types: integer, number, double, varbinary, boolean, uuid, scalar (null, bool, integer, double, decimal, string, varbinary). TREE or HASH or BITSET may only index string and unsigned. RTREE may only index array type. If we have multiple parts/columns on TREE index, we can do partial search starting from starting column of the index. When using string index, we may specify the collation (ordering): unicode or unicode_ci (case ignore, also ignore accented/diacritic alphabet). Sequence can be accessed through box.schema.sequence.create() with options (start, min, max, cycle, step, if_not_exists), we could call next method to get next value. Tarantool persist data in two modes: WAL and snapshot (can be forced using box.snapshot()). List of available operators for update/upsert:
- + to add, - to subtract
- & bitwise and, | bitwise or, ^ bitwise xor
- : string splice
- ! insertion of a new field
- # deletion
- = assignment
This snippet shows how to update table and check it:
r, err := conn.Call(`box.schema.space.create`, []interface{}{TableName})
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != `Space '`+TableName+`' already exists (0xa)` {
r, err = conn.Call(`box.space.`+TableName+`:format`, []interface{}{
{`name`: `id`, `type`: `unsigned`},
{`name`: `name`, `type`: `string`},
if err != nil {
r, err = conn.Call(`box.space.`+TableName+`:format`, []interface{}{})
if err != nil {
func ExecSql(conn *tarantool.Connection, query string, parameters ...M.SX) map[interface{}]interface{} {
params := A.X{query}
for _, v := range parameters {
params = append(params, v)
res, err := conn.Call(`box.execute`, params)
if L.IsError(err) {
L.Describe(`ERROR ExecSql !!! ` + err.Error())
L.DescribeSql(query, parameters)
return map[interface{}]interface{}{`error`: err.Error()}
tup := res.Tuples()
if len(tup) > 0 {
if len(tup[0]) > 0 {
if tup[0][0] != nil {
kv, ok := tup[0][0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
// row_count for UPDATE
// metadata, rows for SELECT
if ok {
return kv
// possible error
if len(tup) > 1 {
if len(tup[1]) > 0 {
if tup[1][0] != nil {
L.Describe(`ERROR ExecSql syntax: ` + X.ToS(tup[1][0]))
L.Describe(query, parameters)
return map[interface{}]interface{}{`error`: tup[1][0]}
return map[interface{}]interface{}{}
func QuerySql(conn *tarantool.Connection, query string, callback func(row A.X), parameters ...M.SX) []interface{} {
kv := ExecSql(conn, query, parameters...)
rows, ok := kv[`rows`].([]interface{})
if ok {
for _, v := range rows {
return rows
return nil
The tarantool have some limitations:
- no datetime (use unsigned if greater than 1970-01-01)
- can only append column at the end, cannot delete column
- cannot alter datatype, except if there’s no data yet
- alter table when there’s data exists must have not_null=true flag
Tarantool SQL limitations and gotchas:
- table names or column names must be quoted or they will be automatically capitalized (and then error column/space=table not found)
- concat just like postgresql (|| operator), but you must convert both operands to string first
- does not support right join (not needed anyway), can do natural join or left join, also support foreign key
- no date/time data type/functions (tarantool problem)
- NULLIF (tarantool), IFNULL (mysql), COALESCE (standard SQL) all works normally
- cannot run alter table add column (must use APIs)
- no information_schema
- calling box.execute to execute SQL (supported since version 2.x), the result is on first row (row_count for UPDATE, metadata and rows for SELECT), the error is on second row.
I think that's it for now, to learn Lua (needed for stored procedure) you can use official documentation. For example project using Tarantool and Meilisearch, you can clone kmt1 dummy project.