Showing posts with label tarantool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tarantool. Show all posts


GeoSearch Database Benchmark

So today we're gonna benchmark database that can store latitude-longitude (GPS coordinate), the benchmark spec is unbatched INSERT 100K records of (id, lat, long) tuple, search 200K times (or until deadline reached) 500 nearest point, id and the distance, move 100 points to another location 50 times, all benchmark done in 16 threads (so other 16 threads can be used by the database).

The contender that already benchmarked are:

  1. Redis GEOSEARCH (2024: also add KeyDB 4 core)
  2. PostgreSQL cube/earthdistance
  3. Tarantool RTREE
  4. TypeSense geosearch
  5. MeiliSearch _geo

Other database attempted but failed because not truly redis-compatible: DragonFlyDB, Garnet, KVRocks

Here's the result for unbatched insert:

REDIS         9.4 sec,  10639.7 rps
KEYDB         1.3 sec,  76546.2 rps
POSTGRES     10.5 sec,   9523.7 rps
TARANTOOL     0.8 sec, 126801.9 rps
TYPESENSE    96.7 sec,   1023.8 rps
MEILISEARCH 365.0 sec,    271.2 rps

This benchmark is totally unfair for Meilisearch since, their API expect it to be batched, just like Clickhouse.

Next the 500 nearby point of interest search benchmark:

REDIS        30676  (15.3%) in 50.0 sec,  613.5 rps
KEYDB         7381   (3.7%) in 50.0 sec,  147.6 rps
POSTGRES      7778   (3.9%) in 50.0 sec,  155.6 rps
TARANTOOL   200000 (100.0%) in 35.0 sec, 5716.3 rps
TYPESENSE     2177   (1.1%) in 50.0 sec,   43.5 rps

PostgreSQL actually quite fast in Tarantool level if the distance ordering removed (random order, only fetch first 500), I believe the search scope is too wide (4km square) causing too many points to be sorted by distance (and database config is default, not tuned at all causing this slowdown). TypeSense cannot search more than 250 rows limit, so that result is for 250, MeiliSearch in this case always return 0 result, not sure what's wrong.

Last benchmark is about moving 10 points 50 times, so it need to update the index periodically, the results are:

REDIS        0.1 sec,  55088.4 rps
KEYDB        0.2 sec,  28926.9 rps
POSTGRES     0.6 sec,   7954.3 rps
TARANTOOL    0.0 sec, 137424.8 rps
TYPESENSE    9.7 sec,    515.2 rps
MEILISEARCH  8.8 sec,    569.7 rps

So I guess I'll use Tarantool for this case, since it's the fastest for geo datapoints with persistence. Other possible database to benchmarked in the future are: MySQL, CockroachDB, ElasticSearch, TiDB, CouchBase, PostGIS, but I'm not sure whether their index can beat Tarantool's. If you want to contribute to this benchmark you can create PR to hugedbbench repo.


Georeplicable Architecture Tech Stacks

Since I got a use case for geo-replicable (multiple datacenters around the world), I need to create metrics and billing and log aggregator that survives even when multiple datacenter is down. So we need to create an architecture that the each cluster of databases in datacenter can give correct answer on their own, the layers are:

1. Cache Layer

2. Source of Immediate Truth (OLTP) Layer

3. Source of Event Truth Layer (either CDC or subscribable events or both)

4. Metrics and Analytics (OLAP) Layer

For single datacenter I might choose Tarantool or Aerospike (too bad if you want to store more than your RAM you must use paid version) or Redis (master-slave) for cache layer, especially if the DNS is smart enough to route the client's request to nearest datacenter.

Tarantool can also be source of immediate truth, but the problem is it should be master-slave replication so it could be fault tolerant, but it seems there might have to do manual intervention to fallback to promote slave node as master and reroute other slave to recognize new master?

So the other choice is either TiDB (for consistent use case, lower write rate, more complex query use case) or ScyllaDB (for partition tolerant use case, higher write rate). Both are good in terms of availability. TiDB's TiFlash also good for analytics use case.

For source of event truth, we can use RedPanda for pubsub/MQ use cases, and Debezium (that requires Kafka/RedPanda) for change data capture from ScyllaDB, or TiCDC for TiDB to stream to RedPanda.

Lastly for analytics, we can use Clickhouse, also to store all structured logs that can be easily queried, or can also be Loki. For metrics might aggregate from RedPanda using MaterializeIO (too bad that cluster is paid).

So.. what are the combinations possible?

1. Tarantool (manual counter for metrics) + Clickhouse (manual publish logs and analytics), this one good only for single location/datacenter, unless the clients are all can hit proper server location (like game servers, or smart CDNs)

2. same as #1 but with RedPanda if have multiple service, all logs and events published thru RedPanda

3. Aerospike/Tarantool/Redis (manual counter for metrics) + TiDB + TiFlash (analytics) + Loki for logs

4. Aerospike/Tarantool/Redis (manual counter for metrics) + TIDB + TiCDC + ClickHouse (for logs and analytics)

5. Aerospike/Tarantool/Redis (cache only) + TiDB + TiFlash (analytics) + TiCDC + MaterializeIO (for metrics) + Loki (logs)

6. Aerospike/Tarantool/Redis (cache only) + TiDB + TiCDC + Clickhouse (analytics and logs) + MaterializeIO (for metrics)

7. Aerospike/Tarantool/Redis (cache only) + ScyllaDB + Debezium + RedPanda + Clickhouse (analytics and logs) + MaterializeIO (for metrics) 

for number #5-#7 you can remove the Aerospike/Tarantool part if no need to cache (consistency matters, and you have a very large cluster that can handle peaks).

wait, why don't you include full-text search use case? '__') ok, we can use Debezium that publish to ElasticSearch (might be overkill), or manual publish to TypeSense or MeiliSearch.

That's only for data part of the cluster, what about computation and presentation layer (backend/frontend)?

Backend of course I will use Golang or C#, frontend either Svelte (web only) or Flutter (mobile and web), Unity3D (game).

For object storage (if locally I would use MinIO) and CDN (CloudFlare for example), you can see my previous post.

So why you choose those?

1. Tarantool, one of the fastest in-mem, like 200K wps/qps but the cons I already mentioned above, the performance similar to Redis, but this one supports SQL.

2. Aerospike, also one of the fastest in-mem, like also 200K wps/qps last time I checked, also can do master-master replication, if I'm not mistaken, limited to 4 nodes for free verrsion, can set the replication factor, but see other cons I mentioned above.

3. TiDB, one newsql with automatic rebalance (one node died, and it would still works fast), can do around 30-50K single node last time I benchmarked, their benchmark mostly shows 30K-40K rps for writes, 120K rps for mixed read-write, 330K rps for read-only multi nodes benchmark, need more space? add more TiKV instance, need more compute? add more TiDB instance, need to do faster analytics queries? add TiFlash instance. But.. the bad part is, so many moving parts, you have to deploy TiDB (query engine), TiKV (storage), and PD (placement driver), also TiCDC and TiFlash if you need those too, also I'm not sure how it would perform at multi-DC use-cases. What's the managed alternative? AlloyDB-PostgreSQL (GCP) or TiDB-Cloud (AWS)

4. ScyllaDB, is faster version of Cassandra, most of benchmark can do 120K-400K insert and queries per second, one of the best database for mutli-DC, each keyspace can be set whether should replicate in which datacenter, how many the replication factor, consistency controlled in client-side, also can manage multiple view since 2 years ago (materialized view), so we don't have to create and maintain multiple table manually for each query pattern. What's the managed alternative? ScyllaDB-Cloud

5. RedPanda, is faster version of Kafka, last time I checked, one instance can receive 800K events per seconds, and publishes 4 millions events per second.

6. Clickhouse, is one of the best analytics database, can do a 1M batched ingestion per second in single node, can do complex queries really fast under a second (but depends on how big your data, but kind of query that if you did it in normal RDBMS would took minutes), the cons is one node can only handle 100 queries concurrently.

7. MaterializeIO, is like ksqldb but written in Rust, haven't checked the performance but they claimed they perform as fast as Redis.

What's other alternative? Yugabyte looks ok, especially the YCQL part that works like Cassandra/ScyllaDB. Especially yugabyte seems to be combining Redis, Postgres, and Cassandra in one deployment, but I like TiDB more because last time I checked, I need to config something to make it writable when one node died.

Proxy and load balancer? Caddy, Traefik, FabioLB (with Consul), or NATS (eg. 3 load balancer/custom api gateway that deployed in front, then it would serialize request to NATS inside DMZ, the worker/handler will receive that and return response that deserialized back to the loadbalancer/api gateway, that way load balancer doesn't need to know how exactly how many worker/handler, services can also communicate synchronously thru NATS without knowing each other service's IP address, and the worker/handler part can be scaled independently)

Deployment? Nomad, just rsync it to Jelastic, DockerCompose for dependencies (don't forget to bind the volume or your data will gone), Kubernetes

Tracker? maybe Pirsch

Why there's no __INSERT_DB_TYPE_HERE__? Graph database? because I rarely do recursive/graph queries, and especially I don't know which one that are best? Neo4J? DGraph? NebulaGraph? TigerGraph? AnzoGraph? TerminusDB? Age? JanusGraph? HugeGraph?

Have some other cool/high-performance tech stack suggestion? Chat with me at (give proper intro tho, or I would think you are a crypto scam spammer XD)


Kafka vs RedPanda Benchmark (also Tarantool and Clickhouse as queue)

Using default settings from their docker-compose example, today we're gonna benchmark one of popular MQ/PubSub software. I never used MQ extensively before (only NATS, Google PubSub, ActiveMQ, and Amazon SQS), usually just using standard database that stores event is sufficient (the consumer using pull, tailing from last primary key counter, and if need to fan-out just use multiple goroutine and multiple channel), because my projects never been a latency sensitive applications.

Some issues: 
  1. the benchmark has locking (atomic counters, sync.Map, etc), so consumer might not utilize whole CPU cores.
  2. confluent's kafka docker always error when starting because /var/lib/kafka/data not writable, so I bind on /var/lib/kafka instead. Clickhouse also always failed to start when bind to /var/lib/clickhouse/data, so I don't bind volume for Clickhouse.
  3. RedPanda failed to start when fs.aio-max-nr even when it's already ~1 million (originally only 64K), so I set it to 4194304
Benchmarking 1000 goroutines publishing 2000 messages each, with 100 goroutines consuming in parallel.

REDPANDA version: v21.10.1 (rev e7b6714)

=== redpanda single:

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  2387
MaxLatency (ms):  2125
AvgLatency (ms):  432
Total (s) 3.457646367s

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  2408
MaxLatency (ms):  2663
AvgLatency (ms):  490
Total (s) 3.459949739s

=== redpanda multi:

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  4187
MaxLatency (ms):  12146
AvgLatency (ms):  9701
Total (s) 13.610533861s 

# ^ weird, maybe startup not yet complete?
# retried reinit docker-compose, 1st time always slow
# but 2nd time always fast:

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  2413
MaxLatency (ms):  2704
AvgLatency (ms):  467
Total (s) 3.545496041s

KAFKA version: 7.0.0-ccs (Commit:c6d7e3013b411760)
equal to kafka 3.0.0

=== kafka single:

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  6634
MaxLatency (ms):  12052
AvgLatency (ms):  8579
Total (s) 13.722706977s

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  6380
MaxLatency (ms):  11856
AvgLatency (ms):  8636
Total (s) 13.625928209s

=== kafka multi:

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  6596
MaxLatency (ms):  11932
AvgLatency (ms):  8523
Total (s) 13.659630863s

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  6535
MaxLatency (ms):  11903
AvgLatency (ms):  8588
Total (s) 13.677644818s

These benchmark using default settings that exists in the docker examples I found, except SMP (I set it to the same amount of cores in the server that used to benchmark to make it fair with Kafka that uses JVM that by default can utilize all cores -- apparently this has insignificant impact). Current conclusion is, RedPanda way faster than Kafka, in terms of publishing speed (around ~1μs per message, 477K-837K msg/s) and consuming latency (432ms to 2.7s per message), while Kafka (around ~3μs per message, 301K-313K msg/s) and 8.5s to 12s per message. The RAM statistics tho, RedPanda uses 12GB for each node (10% of server's RAM), while Kafka only uses 355MB, 375MB, 788MB for nodes, and 120MB for zookeeper. The repo to reproduce this benchmark is here on 2021mq directory.

Btw if you're looking for Kafka/RedPanda GUI, try KOwl, this way more beautiful than ActiveMQ default Web UI.

Bonus rounds, using one of the fastest OLTP database: Tarantool and one of the fastest OLAP database: Clickhouse as Queue, by laveraging sequence (auto increment) or internal function to generate a sequence, the difference is there's only one consumer group (have to manually fan out using goroutine), no json encode and decode since it's structured database:

TARANTOOL version: 2.8.2

=== tarantool single (memtx):

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  11238
MaxLatency (ms):  1071
AvgLatency (ms):  101
Total (s) 11.244551225s

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  9596
MaxLatency (ms):  816
AvgLatency (ms):  61
Total (s) 9.957516119s

=== tarantool single (vinyl):

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  11383
MaxLatency (ms):  1076
AvgLatency (ms):  157
Total (s) 11.388865281s

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  9104
MaxLatency (ms):  102
AvgLatency (ms):  13
Total (s) 9.196549551s


=== clickhouse single:

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  2052
MaxLatency (ms):  2078
AvgLatency (ms):  1461
Total (s) 3.570767491s

FailProduce:  0
FailConsume:  0
DoubleConsume:  0
Produced (ms):  2057
MaxLatency (ms):  2008
AvgLatency (ms):  1445
Total (s) 3.536277427s

The result recap table (ms = millisecond, us = microsecond, ns = nanosecond):

only best of 2 runsRedPanda singleRedPanda multiKafka singleKafka multiTarantool memtxTarantool vinylClickhouse single
Publish (ms)2,3872,4136,3806,5359,5969,1042,052
Sub Max Latency (ms)2,1252,70411,85611,9038161022,008
Sub Avg Latency (ms)4904678,6368,52361131,445
Pub Troughput (msg/s)837,872828,844313,480306,044208,420219,684974,659
est. Pub Latency (ns)1,1941,2073,1903,2684,7984,5521,026
est. Sub Throughput (msg/s)4,081,6334,282,655231,589234,65932,786,885153,846,1541,384,083

Conclusion: Tarantool probably the only single node database that can compete with Kafka for queue use case (we can have multi-master replica but not recommended, it's better to use master-slave config where slave used as failover), for other database especially RDBMS that persist to disk pretty sure can only do ~50K tps, Clickhouse can be multi-master, and last time i check, it can do ~600K inserts per seconds (while this time it's around 1M inserts per seconds), I simulate the atomic counter on Clickhouse using TimeStamp64Milli, the query limited to 100 queries per second but it's quite good enough for pub-sub use case. The benefit of using database as MQ/PubSub is that you can do a very flexible query (SQL support), mostly better tooling (especially Clickhouse), or update the record for new consumer, but the cons is that you must notify/fan-out (for example using NATS broadcast, only push the signal for worker to pull), track the ack/retries and the read offset of the workers yourself (pull).


Easy Tarantool and ClickHouse Replication Setup

These two are currently my favorite databases because of their speed and features, Tarantool (200K tps) for OLTP, and ClickHouse (600K insert/s, 100 qps) for OLAP. Today we will learn how to setup a multi-master replication on each database:

# docker-compose.yml # tarantool
version: '3.3'
  tt1: # master
    image: tarantool/tarantool:2.7.2 # x.x.2+ = stable
      - ./scripts/:/opt/scripts
    command: tarantool /opt/scripts/app.lua
      - TARANTOOL_USER_NAME=tester
      - 13301:3301
  tt2: # slave1
    image: tarantool/tarantool:2.7.2
      - ./scripts/:/opt/scripts
    command: tarantool /opt/scripts/app.lua
      - TARANTOOL_USER_NAME=tester
      - 23301:3301
  tt3: # slave2
    image: tarantool/tarantool:2.7.2
      - ./scripts/:/opt/scripts
    command: tarantool /opt/scripts/app.lua
      - TARANTOOL_USER_NAME=tester
      - 33301:3301

# scripts/app.lua # need to be set on different port/file if not using docker-compose
# for multi-master, you should not use counter data type or it would be out of sync/conflict
# so it's better to use master-slave (2 read_only replica)
    listen = 3301,
    replication = {
        'replicator:password@tt1:3301', -- master URI
        'replicator:password@tt2:3301', -- replica 1 URI
        'replicator:password@tt3:3301', -- replica 2 URI
    read_only = false # set to true for replica 1 and 2 if you want master-slave
box.once("schema", function()
    box.schema.user.create('replicator', {password = 'password'})
    box.schema.user.grant('replicator', 'replication') -- grant replication role"test")"primary")
    print('box.once executed on master')

# start it
docker-compose up

# create table and insert on master
tarantoolctl connect tester:tester@
connected to> box.execute [[ create table test1(id int primary key, name string) ]]
- row_count: 1
...> box.execute [[ insert into test1(id,name) values(1,'test') ]]
- row_count: 1

# check on slave cluster node
tarantoolctl connect tester:tester@
connected to> box.execute [[ select * FROM test1 ]]
- metadata:
  - name: ID
    type: integer
  - name: NAME
    type: string
  - [1, 'test']

That's it, very easy right? Now for the ClickHouse

# docker-compose.yml # clickhouse
version: '3.3'
services:  ch1:
    image: yandex/clickhouse-server
    restart: always
      - ./config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/local.xml
      - ./macro1.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml
      - ./data/1:/var/lib/clickhouse    
      - '18123:8123'
      - '19000:9000'
      - '19009:9009'
      nproc: 65536
        soft: 252144
        hard: 252144
    image: yandex/clickhouse-server
    restart: always
      - ./config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/local.xml
      - ./macro2.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml
      - ./data/2:/var/lib/clickhouse
      - '28123:8123'
      - '29000:9000'
      - '29009:9009'
      nproc: 65536
        soft: 252144
        hard: 252144
    image: yandex/clickhouse-server
    restart: always
      - ./config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/local.xml
      - ./macro3.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml
      - ./data/3:/var/lib/clickhouse
      - '38123:8123'
      - '39000:9000'
      - '39009:9009'
      nproc: 65536
        soft: 252144
        hard: 252144
    image: zookeeper

# config.xml

# macroXX.xml # replace XX with 1, 2, or 3
    <macros replace="replace">

# start it
docker-compose up

# create table and insert on first cluster node
clickhouse-client --port 19000
SELECT * FROM system.clusters;
USE db1;

( id UInt64
, dt Date
, val UInt64
) ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/table1',
PARTITION BY modulo( id, 1000 )
ORDER BY (dt);

(id, dt, val)
VALUES (1,'2021-05-31',2);

# check on second cluster node
clickhouse-client --port 29000
SELECT * FROM db1.table1;

│  1 │ 2021-05-31 │   2 │
↘ Progress: 1.00 rows, 42.00 B (132.02 rows/s., 5.54 KB/s.)  99%
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec.

That's it, you now can have both database on single computer to start testing the replication or for development (it's recommended to downscale it just to single replica tho).


Tarantool: In-memory SQL Hybrid Database

Tarantool is an awesome product that I've evaded for a while (because it's using Lua), but after a long time seeking a awesome free silver-bullet database (2016's benchmark here), I think only Tarantool fits the bill (so I need to learn about Lua 5.1 first since Tarantool uses LuaJIT that implements Lua 5.1 and some part of Lua 5.2). The benefits of using Tarantool are:
  • ACID Transaction, like standard RDBMS and Aerospike
  • Replication, very easy load balance, like Aerospike, Redis, etc
  • On-Disk Persistence, like Redis Enterprise, Aerospike, KeyDB Pro
  • Extension Modules, like Redis (RediGraph, RediSearch, RediSQL, etc)
  • Can use SQL, so no need to learn new language, unlike MongoDB, ArangoDB, or databases that only support partial/subset of SQL: ScyllaDB CQL and GridDB TQL, eg. no WHERE-IN.
  • Combining both in-memory and disk storage, like paid version of Redis, KeyDB
  • Can use Go :3 unlike GridDB that only have partial support
  • Extremely customizable using Lua, even on the server part
  • Less memory requirement when using vinyl engine (for large datasets that are larger than RAM) compared to in-memory solutions like Aerospike (64 byte per key requirement) or Redis swap,  sacrificing the I/O performance.
Some of the cons of using Tarantool is that you cannot prepend or drop fields/column, you can only append and the field should be nullable until ever rows have all values.
To install Tarantool on ubuntu (without Docker) you can use these commands:

curl -L | bash
curl -L | bash
sudo apt install tarantool
sudo systemctl enable tarantool
sudo systemctl start tarantool
netstat -antp | grep 3301

If it doesn't work or stuck just ctrl-C the curl script then install manually from these repo:

echo '
deb focal main
deb-src focal main
deb focal main
deb-src focal main
' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tarantool_2_5.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tarantool

To connect to existing tarantool, we can use this command:

tarantoolctl connect 3301

-- create "table"
s ='tester')
-- s equal to

-- create "schema"
  {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
  {name = 'band_name', type = 'string'},
  {name = 'year', type = 'unsigned'}

-- create primary index
s:create_index('primary', {
  type = 'hash',
  parts = {'id'}

-- insert records
s:insert{1, 'Roxette', 1986}
s:insert{2, 'Scorpions', 2015}
s:insert{3, 'Ace of Base', 1993}

-- query using primary index

-- create secondary index
s:create_index('secondary', {
  type = 'hash',
  parts = {'band_name'}

-- query using secondary index

-- grant guest user to access anywhere
box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')

-- reset the admin password, only when listen, 
-- eg. from /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/example.lua

-- alter table{
  {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
  {name = 'band_name', type = 'string'},
  {name = 'year', type = 'unsigned'},
  {name = 'rate', type = 'unsigned', is_nullable=true}})

-- update record id=1, 4th column to 5, {{'=', 4, 5}})

-- update record id=2, 4th column to 4, {{'=', 4, 4}})

-- search id>1, {iterator = 'GT'})
-- can be LT, LE, EQ, REQ (reverse equal), GE, GT.
-- must have TREE index

Next, how to connect from golang? We need to install first go-tarantoll library:

go get -u -v
# or: go get -u -v

Next let's create a go file:

package main
import (
func main() {
    conn, err := tarantool.Connect("", tarantool.Opts{
        User: "guest",
        Pass: "",
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Connection refused "+err.Error())
    defer conn.Close()

    // insert
    resp, err := conn.Insert("tester", []interface{}{4, "ABBA", 1972})
    fmt.Printf("Insert: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // select offset=0, limit=1
    resp, err = conn.Select("tester", "primary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{4})
    fmt.Printf("Select: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)
    resp, err = conn.Select("tester","secondary", 0, 1, tarantool.IterEq, []interface{}{"ABBA"})
    fmt.Printf("Select: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // update col 2 by 3
    resp, err = conn.Update("tester", "primary", []interface{}{4}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 2, 3}})
    fmt.Printf("Update: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // replace
    resp, err = conn.Replace("tester", []interface{}{4, "New band", 2011})
    fmt.Printf("Replace: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // upsert: update increment col 2 by 5, or insert if not exists
    // does not return data back
    resp, err = conn.Upsert("tester", []interface{}{4, "Another band", 2000}, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"+", 2, 5}})
    fmt.Printf("Upsert: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // delete
    resp, err = conn.Delete("tester", "primary", []interface{}{4})
    fmt.Printf("Delete: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // call directly, do not add () when calling
    resp, err = conn.Call("", []interface{}{})
    fmt.Printf("Call: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

    // eval Lua 
    resp, err = conn.Eval("return 4 + 5", []interface{}{})
    fmt.Printf("Eval: %#v %v\n",resp.Data,err)

It would give an output something like this:

Insert: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b4}} <nil>
Select: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b4}} <nil>
Select: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b4}} <nil>
Update: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "ABBA", 0x7b7}} <nil>
Replace: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "New band", 0x7db}} <nil>
Upsert: []interface {}{} <nil>
Delete: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x4, "New band", 0x7e0}} <nil>
Call: []interface {}{[]interface {}{0x3}} <nil>
Eval: []interface {}{0x9} <nil>

See more info here and APIs here. Next you can use cartridge to manage the cluster.
Each row/tuple in Tarantool stored as MsgPack and when displayed in console it uses YAML format. TREE is the default index in tarantool engine, memtx engine support few more: HASH, RTREE, BITSET. The TREE or HASH may only index certain types: integer, number, double, varbinary, boolean, uuid, scalar (null, bool, integer, double, decimal, string, varbinary). TREE or HASH or BITSET may only index string and unsigned. RTREE may only index array type. If we have multiple parts/columns on TREE index, we can do partial search starting from starting column of the index. When using string index, we may specify the collation (ordering): unicode or unicode_ci (case ignore, also ignore accented/diacritic alphabet). Sequence can be accessed through box.schema.sequence.create() with options (start, min, max, cycle, step, if_not_exists), we could call next method to get next value. Tarantool persist data in two modes: WAL and snapshot (can be forced using box.snapshot()). List of available operators for update/upsert:
  • + to add, - to subtract
  • & bitwise and, | bitwise or,  ^ bitwise xor
  • : string splice
  • ! insertion of a new field
  • # deletion
  • = assignment
This snippet shows how to update table and check it:

r, err := conn.Call(``, []interface{}{TableName})
if err != nil {
  if err.Error() != `Space '`+TableName+`' already exists (0xa)` {
r, err = conn.Call(``+TableName+`:format`, []interface{}{
    {`name`: `id`, `type`: `unsigned`},
    {`name`: `name`, `type`: `string`},
if err != nil {
r, err = conn.Call(``+TableName+`:format`, []interface{}{})
if err != nil {

func ExecSql(conn *tarantool.Connection, query string, parameters ...M.SX) map[interface{}]interface{} {
  params := A.X{query}
  for _, v := range parameters {
    params = append(params, v)
  res, err := conn.Call(`box.execute`, params)
  if L.IsError(err) {
    L.Describe(`ERROR ExecSql !!! ` + err.Error())
    L.DescribeSql(query, parameters)
    return map[interface{}]interface{}{`error`: err.Error()}
  tup := res.Tuples()
  if len(tup) > 0 {
    if len(tup[0]) > 0 {
      if tup[0][0] != nil {
        kv, ok := tup[0][0].(map[interface{}]interface{})
        // row_count for UPDATE
        // metadata, rows for SELECT
        if ok {
          return kv
  // possible error
  if len(tup) > 1 {
    if len(tup[1]) > 0 {
      if tup[1][0] != nil {
        L.Describe(`ERROR ExecSql syntax: ` + X.ToS(tup[1][0]))
        L.Describe(query, parameters)
        return map[interface{}]interface{}{`error`: tup[1][0]}
  return map[interface{}]interface{}{}

func QuerySql(conn *tarantool.Connection, query string, callback func(row A.X), parameters ...M.SX) []interface{} {
  kv := ExecSql(conn, query, parameters...)
  rows, ok := kv[`rows`].([]interface{})
  if ok {
    for _, v := range rows {
    return rows
  return nil

The tarantool have some limitations:
  • no datetime (use unsigned if greater than 1970-01-01)
  • can only append column at the end, cannot delete column
  • cannot alter datatype, except if there’s no data yet
  • alter table when there’s data exists must have not_null=true flag 
Tarantool SQL limitations and gotchas:
  • table names or column names must be quoted or they will be automatically capitalized (and then error column/space=table not found)
  • concat just like postgresql (|| operator), but you must convert both operands to string first 
  • does not support right join (not needed anyway), can do natural join or left join, also support foreign key
  • no date/time data type/functions (tarantool problem)
  • NULLIF (tarantool), IFNULL (mysql), COALESCE (standard SQL) all works normally
  • cannot run alter table add column (must use APIs)
  • no information_schema
  • calling box.execute to execute SQL (supported since version 2.x), the result is on first row (row_count for UPDATE, metadata and rows for SELECT), the error is on second row.
I think that's it for now, to learn Lua (needed for stored procedure) you can use official documentation. For example project using Tarantool and Meilisearch, you can clone kmt1 dummy project.